lichen-community-systems / Flocking

Flocking - Creative audio synthesis for the Web
GNU General Public License v2.0
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[Request / Question] Pan2 -> PanX #233

Open seanwalker909 opened 5 years ago

seanwalker909 commented 5 years ago

Sorry if this isn't the right place to post something like this, wasn't sure where else to ask...

I'm trying to reverse engineer flocking and the pan2 function to work more like PanX. Do you think this is doable just by editing the pan2 code in multichannel.js? or would I need to dig a bit deeper into flockings core functionality?

colinbdclark commented 5 years ago

Hi @seanwalker909! This is a fine place to post questions, no problem.

Everything you need should be located in the flock.ugen.pan2 unit generator. Taking a quick look at SuperCollider's PanX ugen, I don't see any reason why you couldn't similarly refactor Flocking's pan2 to support panning an arbitrary number of channels.

Is there anything I can do to help with the process? I'm happy to review a pull request when you've got something working.

Good luck with it!