Closed Nikola-Obreshkov closed 4 years ago
Something along these lines:
<script src="chessground.js"></script>
var ground = Chessground(document.body, {});
This was the first I tried but it doesn't work. It shows an empty rectangle with notations. Only the drawing circles works.
Make sure the stylesheet is also included. Check your developer console for requests to potentially missing images.
My questions is: Is there an example how to use this chess board with a simple HTML+JS+CSS+possible other assets? Otherwise it is just guessing: maybe there are not images, maybe there is svg asset missing, etc.
There is CSS missing. Check out issue #134
Is there an example how to set up the chessground in an HTML page? There is a JS build: also the basic CSS: but I can find a basic example JSON config in order to run:
var ground = Chessground(document.body, config);
Is this possible?