My queen was supported by my king and ready to capture the opponent’s queen. When my opponent made a move and took my queen, the mobile app did not allow my king to capture their queen in return, despite no other pieces threatening that square. As a result, the app incorrectly concluded the game and declared it checkmate. I would like my points back.
What happened?
My queen was supported by my king and ready to capture the opponent’s queen. When my opponent made a move and took my queen, the mobile app did not allow my king to capture their queen in return, despite no other pieces threatening that square. As a result, the app incorrectly concluded the game and declared it checkmate. I would like my points back.
How can we reproduce the bug?
No idea, but here is the game link:
Expected behavior
The app should allow my king to take the opponent’s queen for this position
iPhone 11
Operating system
iOS 17.5.1
App version
No response
Additional context
No response