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Lichess mobile app v2
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Add piece animation speed setting #763

Open EmmetSchuler opened 2 weeks ago

EmmetSchuler commented 2 weeks ago

Although the app already has a toggle for animating the piece movements, there is not yet an option to change how fast or slow they move. This functionality does appear on the website.


veloce commented 2 weeks ago

Is it really useful to have different speed?

EmmetSchuler commented 2 weeks ago

In my opinion, definitely! When people tap to move pieces, especially in faster time controls they'd like it to respond quicker. And some people also prefer slower and more calm movements when playing in general. I think this is pretty important for the overall enjoyment of many different types of players.

EmmetSchuler commented 2 weeks ago

It might also be good to set default animation speeds for each time control. Seems like on the website default values for bullet are instant movement, 3+0 is fast movement and 5+3 is around regular movement. In all honesty I don't really understand how the movement speed setting works. From what I've tested it seems to always be instant movement in bullet, even when I set the animation speed to "slow". Maybe specific time controls force a different speed, and only in classical, rapid, and slower blitz can you change the speeds?

veloce commented 2 weeks ago

I didn't know that instant movement was the default in bullet.

Maybe specific time controls force a different speed, and only in classical, rapid, and slower blitz can you change the speeds?

I think you're right. It has to be fixed in bullet, otherwise there would be an option per time control, and we don't want to go that far.

veloce commented 2 weeks ago

Actually I checked the server code to understand, and it's computed like that:

EmmetSchuler commented 2 weeks ago

Don't forget about puzzle storm, as well. Seems like that defaults to instant move speed too