licht1stein / babashka.el

Babashka Tasks for Emacs
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Syntax error on valid bb.edn #5

Open favetelinguis opened 2 months ago

favetelinguis commented 2 months ago

Just did an install from melpa to Doom emacs. I have the following bb.edn file.

 {db-stop {:doc "Stop the devbox distrobox"
           :task (shell "distrobox stop --yes devbox")}
  db-rm {:doc "Remove the devbox distrobox"
         :task (shell "distrobox rm --force devbox")}
  db-create {:doc "Create the devbox distrobox"
             :task (shell "distrobox create devbox -i devbox")}
  db-enter {:doc "Enter the created distrobox"
            :task (shell "distrobox enter devbox")}
  remake {:doc "Will kill and build and create a new devbox ready to enter"
          :task (do (run 'pm-build)
                    (run 'db-stop)
                    (run 'db-rm)
                    (run 'db-create))}
  pm-build {:doc "Build docker image"
            :task (shell "podman build -f CoreBox -t devbox .")}
  pm-clean {:doc "Cleanup unused images"
            :task (shell "podman image prune --all")}}}

I am getting the following error when running babashka-tasks.

parseclj--reduce-coll: parseclj: Syntax error: "At position 528, unmatched :rparen"

What am I doing wrong here?

favetelinguis commented 2 months ago

Did open the following

licht1stein commented 2 months ago

As a workaround you can put all of this into bb/pm-builld.clj and require it in bb.edn