licq-im / licq

An instant messaging client for UNIX
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licq crashed at jabber message arrival #46

Open myallod opened 9 years ago

myallod commented 9 years ago

Linux myallod 3.18.6-1-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT Sat Feb 7 08:44:05 CET 2015 x86_64 GNU/Linux Licq 1.9.0-f271d55/SSL Compiled Mar 6 2015

licq: /home/lek/Downloads/src/licq/licq/src/thread/readwritemutex_debug.cpp:140: void Licq::ReadWriteMutex::Private::setReader(): Assertion `i == myNumReaders' failed.

Using gdb to save backtrace to /home/lek/.licq/licq.backtrace.gdb Failed to start gdb: No such file or directory pure virtual method called terminate called without an active exception gdb exited with exit code 134

Backtrace (saved in /home/lek/.licq/licq.backtrace): licq() [0x5435e3] /lib64/ [0x7fa11d6e6540] /lib64/ [0x7fa11d6e64b7] /lib64/ [0x7fa11d6e788a] /lib64/ [0x7fa11d6df41d] /lib64/ [0x7fa11d6df4d2] licq(_ZN4Licq14ReadWriteMutex7Private9setReaderEv+0x72) [0x5c6582] licq(_ZN4Licq14ReadWriteMutex8lockReadEv+0x55) [0x5c67a9] licq(_ZNK4Licq8Lockable8lockReadEv+0x18) [0x511650] licq(_ZN10LicqDaemon11UserManager10fetchOwnerERKN4Licq6UserIdEb+0x100) [0x57ac34] licq(_ZN4Licq14OwnerReadGuardC2ERKNS_6UserIdE+0x26) [0x57b3a4] /usr/local/lib/licq/ [0x7fa1132fb28e] /usr/local/lib/licq/ [0x7fa113238287] /usr/local/lib/licq/ [0x7fa11323b3bc] /usr/local/lib/licq/ [0x7fa11333333a] /lib64/ [0x7fa111129d9c] /usr/local/lib/licq/ [0x7fa113334528] /usr/local/lib/licq/ [0x7fa11324b994] /usr/local/lib/licq/ [0x7fa1133342a8] /lib64/ [0x7fa11112e491] /lib64/ [0x7fa11188b9ac] /lib64/ [0x7fa111892408] /lib64/ [0x7fa11111528d] /lib64/ [0x7fa111118651] /lib64/ [0x7fa111144233] /lib64/ [0x7fa1108a371d] /lib64/ [0x7fa1108a3a08] /lib64/ [0x7fa1108a3abc] /lib64/ [0x7fa11114437d] /lib64/ [0x7fa11192f3a6] /lib64/ [0x7fa111113de1] /lib64/ [0x7fa111114145] /lib64/ [0x7fa1111196e9] /usr/local/lib/licq/ [0x7fa113236a02] /usr/local/lib/licq/ [0x7fa11324ae7a] licq(_ZN10LicqDaemon14PluginInstance16startThreadEntryEPv+0x82) [0x5b1628] licq() [0x5b1a4a] /lib64/ [0x7fa11f6f9374] /lib64/ [0x7fa11d79b27d] Attempting to generate core file.

Licq has encountered a fatal error. Please report this error either by creating a new ticket at or by sending an e-mail to themailing list (you must be registered to beable to post, see

To help us debug the error, please include a full description of what you did when the error occurred. Additionally, please include the following files (if they exist): /home/lek/.licq/licq.backtrace /home/lek/.licq/licq.backtrace.gdb /home/lek/.licq/licq.debug_rw_mutex

Thanks, The Licq Team pure virtual method called terminate called without an active exception Aborted (core dumped)

licq.debug_rw_mutex is old, 4 day ago: time: 1425630197 Possible deadlock for thread 0x7f2991344700 trying to get a write lock on 'ICQ_277507035' No thread holds the write lock These threads hold the read lock: 0x7f299a5c3700

Need i install gdb and run bt for more detail information?