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知识图谱的前世今生:文摘大杂烩 #5

Open lidingpku opened 7 years ago

lidingpku commented 7 years ago

这是一个文摘,梳理一下知识图谱的一些相关概念,semantical network, semantic web, linked data, knowledge graph。

一、 Semantic Network

    semantic network = node + relation

语义网络不是什么新概念,其本质就是通过符号系统描述事物的关联。按照人们对事物关系不同的关注点,又可以细分为若干类型,例如,定义,描述,因果等关系。关系的语义通常是描述性的,既可以是基于文字描述,也可以是基于逻辑表达式。 当关系被进一步量化表示为概率时,也有可能演化为 probabilistic graphic model

A semantic network or net is a graph structure for representing knowledge in patterns of interconnected nodes and arcs. Computer implementations of semantic networks were first developed for artificial intelligence and machine translation, but earlier versions have long been used in philosophy, psychology, and linguistics. The Giant Global Graph of the Semantic Web is a large semantic network (Berners-Lee et al. 2001; Hendler & van Harmelen 2008).

What is common to all semantic networks is a declarative graphic representation that can be used to represent knowledge and support automated systems for reasoning about the knowledge. Some versions are highly informal, but others are formally defined systems of logic. Following are six of the most common kinds of semantic networks:

  1. Definitional networks emphasize the subtype or is-a relation between a concept type and a newly defined subtype. The resulting network, also called a generalization or subsumption hierarchy, supports the rule of inheritance for copying properties defined for a supertype to all of its subtypes. Since definitions are true by definition, the information in these networks is often assumed to be necessarily true.
  2. Assertional networks are designed to assert propositions. Unlike definitional networks, the information in an assertional network is assumed to be contingently true, unless it is explicitly marked with a modal operator. Some assertional networks have been proposed as models of the conceptual structures underlying natural language semantics.
  3. Implicational networks use implication as the primary relation for connecting nodes. They may be used to represent patterns of beliefs, causality, or inferences.
  4. Executable networks include some mechanism, such as marker passing or attached procedures, which can perform inferences, pass messages, or search for patterns and associations.
  5. Learning networks build or extend their representations by acquiring knowledge from examples. The new knowledge may change the old network by adding and deleting nodes and arcs or by modifying numerical values, called weights, associated with the nodes and arcs.
  6. Hybrid networks combine two or more of the previous techniques, either in a single network or in separate, but closely interacting networks.

source: semantic networks

二、 Semantic Web(1998)

Semantic Web = web of data  = distributed data + ontology ~= URI + RDF + OWL

The Semantic Web is a web of data, in some ways like a global database. image

What is the Semantic Web?


Original “The Semantic Web” Vision (Scientific America, 2001)

三、 Linked Data(2006)

Linked Data  =  Semantic Web  - OWL Ontology + Link Resolution ~= RDF + SPARQL

With linked data, when you have some of it, you can find other, related, data.Like the web of hypertext, the web of data is constructed with documents on the web. However,  unlike the web of hypertext,  where links are relationships anchors in hypertext documents written in HTML, for data they links  between arbitrary things described by RDF,.  The URIs identify any kind of object or  concept.   But for HTML or RDF, the same expectations apply to make the web grow:

  1. Use URIs as names for things
  2. Use HTTP URIs so that people can look up those names.
  3. When someone looks up a URI, provide useful information, using the standards (RDF*, SPARQL)
  4. Include links to other URIs. so that they can discover more things.


四、knowledge graph (2012)

knowledge graph  =  linked data + NLP  ~=  entity linking  + graph query


Knowledge Graph (R) @Google


Graph Search (R) @ Facebook







LinkedIn Knowledge Graph




source: source:

lidingpku commented 7 years ago

2014年VLDB的tutorial: Knowledge Bases in the Age of Big Data Analytics
