Closed ahofmeister closed 6 years ago
Fastnate does not support the following attribute:
@Column(columnDefinition = "VARCHAR") @Convert(converter = StringListConverter.class) private List<String> strings = new ArrayList<>();
With StringListConverter like:
@Converter public class StringListConverter implements AttributeConverter<List<String>, String> { public String convertToDatabaseColumn(final List<String> list) { return String.join(",", list); } public List<String> convertToEntityAttribute(final String joined) { return new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(joined.split(","))); } }
Fastnate supports now a converter defined at the property level (like in your example). It still doesn't supports global converters (as it doesn't scan all files). Maybe this is something for a later version.
Fastnate does not support the following attribute:
With StringListConverter like: