lieser / dkim_verifier

DKIM Verifier Extension for Mozilla Thunderbird
MIT License
210 stars 35 forks source link

Some domains showing as invalid #1

Closed Stexxen closed 11 years ago

Stexxen commented 11 years ago

Thanks for your work on this plugin, I just got round to testing it tonight. After installing version 0.2, I've been checking it against some emails in my inbox. From Domains OK OK KO

DKIM: Parsed DKIM-Signature: ({v:"1", a_sig:"rsa", a_hash:"sha256", b:"key1JCk6byyYDZGDsC+mOeikZlKRA0zU/LcJJJhjwKYfYQ6sBitjSq8MdUPThEVMUqQtFFRPSez0YQwFJ553zNlHfUEJwUcltepRyRRGwBif3GFOrJ5tqJJFzODMJVVLo+0SXN9LhvRgM6Ha+x+8RSLmtUvk2Aq+VTSaAqouZz4=", b_folded:"key1JCk6byyYDZGDsC+mOeikZlKRA0zU/LcJJJhjwKYfYQ6sBitjSq8MdUPThEVMU\r\n\t qQtFFRPSez0YQwFJ553zNlHfUEJwUcltepRyRRGwBif3GFOrJ5tqJJFzODMJVVLo+0\r\n\t SXN9LhvRgM6Ha+x+8RSLmtUvk2Aq+VTSaAqouZz4=", bh:"e5ja/lQb9OayTEyvQrKuu8VAxMlF2c0SKH/RRZJNdcI=", c_header:"relaxed", c_body:"simple", d:"", h:"Date:To:From:Subject:MIME-Version:Content-Type", h_array:["date", "to", "from", "subject", "mime-version", "content-type"], i:"", l:null, q:"dns/txt", s:"s1024-2011-q2", t:1368945560, x:null, z:null})

DKIM: computed body hash: e5ja/lQb9OayTEyvQrKuu8VAxMlF2c0SKH/RRZJNdcI=
DKIM: DNS result: k=rsa; t=s; h=sha256; p=MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQDLWnmo7aFBKfL4+mogTe/cXx6D4MUF7VUM9O+nmXAcUP6jJh1RDgZuSJ/KKxo+KMpDiF5xnawr4p3N4eFruSZWFB1vtHgDiy3iPke/u0lmXB2PDQphFRJU4Raghm9e2duPfuSExbvSu9COWIoaz1vH/T+8zc0vuonClGuPfxoqhQIDAQAB
DKIM: Parsed DKIM-Key: ({v:"DKIM1", h:"sha256", k:"rsa", n:null, p:"MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQDLWnmo7aFBKfL4+mogTe/cXx6D4MUF7VUM9O+nmXAcUP6jJh1RDgZuSJ/KKxo+KMpDiF5xnawr4p3N4eFruSZWFB1vtHgDiy3iPke/u0lmXB2PDQphFRJU4Raghm9e2duPfuSExbvSu9COWIoaz1vH/T+8zc0vuonClGuPfxoqhQIDAQAB", s:"*", t:"s", t_array:["s"]})
DKIM: Header hash input: date:Sat, 18 May 2013 23:39:20 -0700 to:xxxxx xxxxxx <> from:"Facebook" <> subject:xxxxxxxxxxx have birthdays this week mime-version:1.0 content-type:multipart/alternative; boundary="b1_b00931723f94ca6aa7ad58da398f237f" dkim-signature:v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/simple;; s=s1024-2011-q2; t=1368945560; bh=e5ja/lQb9OayTEyvQrKuu8VAxMlF2c0SKH/RRZJNdcI=; h=Date:To:From:Subject:MIME-Version:Content-Type; b=
Timestamp: 22/05/2013 01:34:13 Error: DKIM Signature Error: Signature wrong verifySignaturePart2@chrome://dkim_verifier/content/dkim.js:884 that.dnsCallback@chrome://dkim_verifier/content/dkim.js:1007 DNS_getRDData@chrome://dkim_verifier/content/dns.js:437 listener.process@chrome://dkim_verifier/content/dns.js:283 dataListener.onDataAvailable@chrome://dkim_verifier/content/dns.js:510 Source File: chrome://dkim_verifier/content/dkim.js Line: 907 KO [similar error as above] [similar error as above] KO Different error, text stays on "Validating....." and never changes

Timestamp: 22/05/2013 01:40:08
Error: uncaught exception: Record type is not one that this library can understand.

DKIM: DNS result: null
Timestamp: 22/05/2013 01:40:08 Error: DKIM Signature Error: DNS query for key failed Source File: chrome://dkim_verifier/content/dkim.js Line: 1002

I hope this is enough info to work with? Thanks, S.

lieser commented 11 years ago

First thanks for reporting the bugs, it helps a lot. It would be nice if you could give me a little bit more info, so i can reproduce the errors (more details below). It seems the header hash input is wrong (the two empty lines between content-type and dkim-signature shouldn't be there). Please post the Content-Type field and the beginning of the next field from the message source (Ctrl-U or View | Message Source). If you have a text editor that can show control characters, best paste it there before posting it to github, and replace the control characters with viewable text (in Word newline <CRLF> is displayed as "¶"). Example:

Content-type: multipart/alternative;<CRLF>
Envelope-To: ... and If, like in, there are empty lines in the "DKIM: Header hash input", it's probably the same error, and the info from should be enough. Otherwise please post "DKIM: Parsed DKIM-Signature" and "DKIM: Header hash input". The DNS query for the DKIM key record fails (the result seems to be in a format the DNS Library can't handle). Please post the selector (s=) and domain (d=) field of the DKIM-Signature, so i can look at the key record. The reason you see only "Validating....." is because i forgot to catch the Exception, and the script crashes.

lieser commented 11 years ago

I found a bug in the parsing of the last header field. So if in the, and e-mail the last header field (in the Content-type header) was signed, it should now work with version 0.2.1.

lieser commented 11 years ago

Because you haven't responded yet, I assume the new version solved this. If not, please reopen the issue, and provide the additional information I asked for.

Stexxen commented 11 years ago

Sorry about the delay in getting back. Your fix has corrected the gmail facebookmail and vmware domain problem. Thanks for that. Regarding the domain. The Error now says "DNS Query for Key failed" Much nicer :-)

From the error Log I can now see the following

Timestamp: 05/06/2013 20:50:45
Error: [Exception... "'Record type is not one that this library can understand.' when calling method: [nsIStreamListener::onDataAvailable]"  nsresult: "0x8057001e (NS_ERROR_XPC_JS_THREW_STRING)"  location: ""  data: no]

DNS: Resolving Failed to connect to DNS server with error code 2153185310.
DKIM: DNS result: null
Timestamp: 05/06/2013 20:50:45 Error: DKIM Signature Error: DNS query for key failed that.dnsCallback@chrome://dkim_verifier/content/dkim.js:1099 listener.finished@chrome://dkim_verifier/content/dns.js:276 dataListener.onStopRequest@chrome://dkim_verifier/content/dns.js:520 Source File: chrome://dkim_verifier/content/dkim.js Line: 1113

I've posted posted the relevant parts of the header.

DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;
DomainKey-Signature: a=rsa-sha1; c=nofws; q=dns;
lieser commented 11 years ago

The DNS querry for the email should now work too. Like the other issue (#4) you reported, the bug fix (commit 1d8fd3d36909b432f49c3cdc92afce5e9d0d8564) will be included in version 0.3.4.