381 It was a lesson Stallman would carry with him through the tumultuous years of the 1980s, a dec ade during which many of his MIT colleagues would depart the AI Lab and sign nondisclosure agr eements of their own. They may have told themselves that this was a necessary evil so they cou ld work on the best projects. For Stallman, however, the NDA called the the moral legitimacy o f the project into question. What good is a technically exciting project if it is meant to be withheld from the community?
382 \fi
384 \ifdefined\chs
385 斯托曼带着这种态度,经历了动荡的八十年代。在这期间,麻省理工学院的同事们纷纷离开人工智能实验室
381 It was a lesson Stallman would carry with him through the tumultuous years of the 1980s, a dec ade during which many of his MIT colleagues would depart the AI Lab and sign nondisclosure agr eements of their own. They may have told themselves that this was a necessary evil so they cou ld work on the best projects. For Stallman, however, the NDA called the the moral legitimacy o f the project into question. What good is a technically exciting project if it is meant to be withheld from the community? 382 \fi 383 384 \ifdefined\chs 385 斯托曼带着这种态度,经历了动荡的八十年代。在这期间,麻省理工学院的同事们纷纷离开人工智能实验室 ,走进公司,签署了保密协议。大多数保密协议都有解密时间,而这则成了很多黑客们的借口。他们会辩解 说:软件迟早会成为公共资源。只要保证软件在早期的开发阶段不被泄露,就可以保证让各位黑客朋友们可 以进入到顶尖项目中工作。这些借口,在斯托曼看来,是迈向深渊的第一步。把一个出色的项目放到社区以 外去开去,能有什么好处可言呢?
1 原文没有什么解密时间
2 黑客接受NDA的原因也不对啊,人家是想参与最好的项目,认为NDA是不得不的"恶", 3 stallman认为你软件都不让社区的人用,只是自己公司内部用,那有什么好值得兴奋的呢? 接受保密协议,开发出出色的软件自己玩呢?就是说你本意是接受保密协议才能参与最好的项目学到最好的技术,然后呢,只在自己内部玩吗? 你本意是什么?学到好技术做出好玩意让别人感到impressed,满足作为一个黑客的自豪感啊!!