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[shape] Scholars Videos #1026

Open laurenwigmore opened 3 months ago

laurenwigmore commented 3 months ago

Shaping related to #790

Scholars videos are available, which have yet to be released or announced. We are now 5 months after the date of filming.



Website copy draft

Title of series: Unveiling the Wisdom of the Second Renaissance: A Contemplative Interview Series

Embark on a profound journey with us as we delve into the contemplative insights and wisdom of seven influential thought leaders: Francios Demange, Gregg Henriques, John Vervaeke, Nicholas Janni, Rainer v Leopretching, Ria Baeck, and Thomas Steininger.

Join us on our Contemplative Interview series as we explore the minds of these intellectual architects working towards a unique and transformative cultural movement, dedicated to addressing the challenges of the Second Renaissance. Captured during the Elder Gathering at the Praxis Hub in Bergerac, France from August 7th to September 3rd, 2023, this series presents their profound reflections and insights.

This 13 video series invites you to embark on a voyage of discovery, enquiry and reflection as you immerse yourself in the wisdom and vision of these seven renowned thought leaders.

A brief note on each leader:

  1. Francios Demange: Renowned philosopher and visionary thinker, exploring the intersections of consciousness and societal transformation.
  2. Gregg Henriques: Psychologist and author pioneering integrative approaches to psychology, bridging science and spirituality.
  3. John Vervaeke: Cognitive scientist and professor delving into the depths of meaning, wisdom, and the nature of human cognition.
  4. Nicholas Janni: Leadership coach and embodiment expert, guiding individuals and organizations toward authentic and embodied leadership.
  5. Rainer v Leopretching: Philosopher and futurist, shaping narratives on the future of technology, ethics, and humanity.
  6. Ria Baeck: Facilitator and systems thinker, facilitating transformative dialogues and fostering collective intelligence.
  7. Thomas Steininger: Scholar and practitioner of integral philosophy, exploring the evolution of consciousness and its implications for society.

Meeting notes 2024-03-26

Present: John, Rufus, Lauren



laurenwigmore commented 2 months ago

@rufuspollock I'd like to focus on getting this up this week and using these potentially as a task for Akram to work on. I'll schedule a meeting with you this week to discuss.