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[ship] Limicon 2024 Talks #1066

Closed laurenwigmore closed 1 month ago

laurenwigmore commented 1 month ago

We plan to provide three talks in the Limicon 2024 space.



Before the event

After the events


Talk 1: Many terms, one space? Reflections from 4y of mapping this emerging ecosystem.

Feeling the elephant: Mapping for Emergence: Liminal Web / Metacrisis / Metamodern / Integral / Second Renaissance:

Since 2020 Life Itself and collaborators have been "mapping for emergence" - looking at the emerging set of actors in this "liminal space" searching for similarities - and differences.

In this talk we look mainly at the various names and tribes that seem to be converging as well as current and previous efforts to map and make sense of what is happening.

Internal Notes (not for blurb)

Talk 2: The Second Renaissance: a time between worlds

How do we present what is happening and some of the key ideas of "this space" in a way that is succint and accessible - including to people not yet "in the space"?

We present one framing of this "time between worlds" to set the stage for structured dialog about different approaches and their resonance.

Internal notes

Talk 3: Title TBC (DDS&CoCo)

Title options: Transformational Spaces for a Second Renaissance OR Building the Field of Deliberately Developmental Spaces OR Building the Field of Deliberately Developmental Spaces for a Second Renaissance

Host: Lauren Wigmore & Matthew McCarthy - Life Itself

Date: Saturday 30th March Time: 130-3pm ET / 830-10pm CET


We call for the creation of transformational "deliberately developmental" spaces. Spaces that cultivate the capacities to respond to the profound challenges of the Second Renaissance.

Spaces grounded in the revolutionary research of the last half century about our personal and collective potential for growth and transformation.

In this talk we discuss and share our Deliberately Developmental Spaces and Conscious Coliving research and community work, how we got to where we are, what we've learnt and where we might be going to next.


Vibe of Session: Lighthearted, sharing, brownbag

Specifications: -Process: -Spectators Welcome?: -Cameras On or Off?: On -Recorded?: Yes -Kid Friendly?: No

Websites: &

Link to Event:

Details needed for Limicon Form


Date: Time:


Category: (select one or a few from the following list, and delete the remainder) Ritual, Participatory Practice, Speaker/Presentation, Eco-system Building, Fun

Vibe of Session:

Specifications: -Process: -Spectators Welcome?: -Cameras On or Off?: -Recorded?: -Kid Friendly?:


Link to Event:

laurenwigmore commented 1 month ago

@rufuspollock @catherinet1 @matthewmccarthy11 issue created for the Limicon talks and comments above ⬆️ related to the best week I see for the calls (w/c 25th March)

here are two screenshots of events currently taking place with Limicon across these 2 weeks

image image
laurenwigmore commented 1 month ago

Moving from whatsapp:

@rufuspollock @catherinet1 @elisapaka The Limicon Newsletter will go out over the weekend promoting next weeks talks. I'll be contacting Lauren (from Limicon) to share our presence. Could you both view the event item descriptions and let me know of any edits you would like made this week (edits can still be done next week). and I will email Lauren later today. Info below ⬇️

Many terms, one space? Host: Life Itself

Date: Tuesday 26th March Time: 2pm - 330pm EST (7-830pm CET)

Description: Reporting from a 4 year project mapping an emerging ecosystem.

Since 2020 Life Itself and collaborators have been "mapping for emergence" - looking at the emerging set of actors in this "liminal space" searching for similarities - and differences.

In this talk we look mainly at the various names and tribes that seem to be converging as well as current and previous efforts to map and make sense of what is happening.

Category: (select one or a few from the following list, and delete the remainder) Speaker/Presentation, Eco-system Building

Vibe of Session:

Specifications: -Process: -Spectators Welcome?: Yes -Cameras On or Off?: On -Recorded?: Yes -Kid Friendly?: No


Link to Event:

The Second Renaissance: a time between worlds Host: Rufus Pollock - Life Itself

Date: Wednesday 27th March Time: 12pm - 130pm ET / 5pm - 630pm CET

Description: How do we present what is happening and some of the key ideas of "this space" in a way that is succinct and accessible - including to people not yet "in the space"?

We present one framing of this "time between worlds" to set the stage for structured dialog about different approaches and their resonance.

Register here to join the call:

Category: (select one or a few from the following list, and delete the remainder) Speaker/Presentation

Vibe of Session:

Specifications: -Process: -Spectators Welcome?: -Cameras On or Off?: On -Recorded?: Yes -Kid Friendly?: No


Link to Event:

laurenwigmore commented 1 month ago

FIXED. Completed, shared, uploaded and promoted on socials.