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[shape] Switching to substack for newsletter and blog #1073

Open rufuspollock opened 2 weeks ago

rufuspollock commented 2 weeks ago

We have created a substack for Life Itself to test out its capabilities to host our newsletter and blog moving forward.


Video walkthrough most useful sections


Substack Summary

Substack meets our current needs quite comprehensively.

Main win: Simplicity, with a focus on publishing newsletters/posts, (and the option of integrated monetization features later if wanted).

Substack vs Ghost vs Medium Notes

This was partly done in

Platform Uses Notes Monetization
Substack newsletter-based platform that allows writers to build a subscriber base and monetize their content user-friendly interface = easy for writers to set up and manage their newsletters Subscription based model
Medium publishing platform that focuses on creating a community of readers and writers complex system that requires users to navigate through tags, publications, and social features Subscription based model
Ghost self-hosted platform that offers complete control and customization over the website. technical knowledge to set up, but it offers complete control over the website’s design and functionality Set up own payment system

Appendix Screenshots

You an create subsections! Yay

asimong commented 2 weeks ago

Why Substack?

rufuspollock commented 1 week ago

Why Substack?

We narrowed choice to ghost vs substack and in our testing substack was easier, quicker etc and somewhat cheaper. It also seemed easy to switch from if we didn't like it.

We'll also post a longer analysis in the above issue soon. But basically we want blog/news, we wanted simplicity, we want newsletter integration if we could get it (but don't need charging etc).

asimong commented 1 week ago

My interest might be expressed in the question: "which services are (or are not) fully paid up subscribers to modernity?" (And how do you tell? How do you discern? How much are people aware of this dimension? How much of modernity just comes down to convenience?)

rufuspollock commented 1 week ago

My interest might be expressed in the question: "which services are (or are not) fully paid up subscribers to modernity?" (And how do you tell? How do you discern? How much are people aware of this dimension? How much of modernity just comes down to convenience?)

Every since OKF days i've had a tendency to pragmatism and "pick your battles". e.g. we used skype at OKF etc. For me here the tool choice is largely about "what works", "ease of use", "cost" etc and not so much a particular alignment with our ideology (though pragmatism is one part of that ideology). That's my 2c 🪙 😉