life-itself / community

👋 Life Itself's community forum / wiki / digital garden. Also our generate coordination point with issues etc.
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Refactor content for better structure etc #223

Open rufuspollock opened 1 year ago

rufuspollock commented 1 year ago

Part of #170 and follow up to #184.

As part of the migration we could also do some tidying and organizing e.g. some or all of







What taxonomy structure do we use?

Currently we have 42 categories, for the average blog is it suggested to have approximately 10.

QUESTION: Should we use categories more sparingly and have tags too?

graph LR

root --> topic
root --> program


Naming - an eternally hard topic!


What name do we use for the root taxonomy items

# landing pages
/            # home
/programs    # e.g. residencies etc

# optional

# hubs?? or is this in tao now?
/hubs ??

# resources
/initiatives/ - a full list of all our activities

Clarification: Initiatives can be a series of activities. Therefore, Embodying Collective Transformation is an initiative with each residency being an activity (and listed on the events page).


nathenf commented 1 year ago

@rufuspollock suggestion for blog categories. Basically defined by three parameters:

Parent | Child -- | -- Updates | Activities   |   Our Philosophy |   Initiatives | Exploring Web3 & Crypto   | Embodying Collective Transformation   | Ecosystem Mapping of Responses to the Polycrisis   | etc   |   Book Summary |   Guide/Key Concept |     |   Creativity & Imagination | Requiem for a Passing Age   | Solarpunk Spirituality & Religion | Zen Buddhism Health & Wellbeing | Sustainable Wellbeing   | Qi-Gong Ecology & Environment | Ecospirituality   | Climate Change Social Justice & Equality | Equality Complex   | Climate Inequality Food Systems & Farming | Permaculture   | Food Crisis   | Cooking for Communities Technology | Techno-Solutionism Economics & Economic Systems | Re-Fi Organizational and institutional governance | Co-X   | Policy   | Co-Operatives Inner development | Integral Theory   | Internal Family Systems   | Mindfulness   | Meditation Politics and political systems | Ontological Politics Community and collectivity | Collective Wisdom   | Cultural Activism   | Contemplative Activism   | Conscious Parenting   | Conscious Coliving   | Culturology