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Design System for Web for Life Itself Labs (and Life Itself) #265

Closed rufuspollock closed 1 year ago

rufuspollock commented 2 years ago

What's this about ?

The Life Itself projects are gradually growing, as a result of which it is proving difficult to maintain a standard design structure that co relates with all the new and existing projects. Moreover, we have to rethink from scratch about the core design factors to be used when creating newly related projects. This not only consumes a lot of time and effort on all teams involved, but also applies a restriction of not being in sync with design choices.

In order to solve this problem, we intend to create a design system that could be used and maintained across all our projects.

Job stories

When implementing the labs website or any life itself website I want to quickly create the look and feel without starting from scratch (e.g. just looking up colors and fonts in an existing place) so that it is quick to implement and is consistent with other labs sites (e.g. web3, ecosystem) and consistent with Life Itself overall

Questions to answer


Markdown page in with answers to the following (can also list backups and research)



rufuspollock commented 2 years ago

@khalilcodes can you update here with progress so far?

rufuspollock commented 2 years ago

Next steps

theo-cox commented 2 years ago

Can we have an alignment chat with @nathenf and I around this please? And in general I'd love to be inputting around this stuff at the jump to avoid wasted effort if we pivot

theo-cox commented 2 years ago

As per chat artboard 7 on the penpot ( now represents my preferred direction @khalilcodes @rufuspollock

khalilcodes commented 2 years ago


Backstory (this issue):

In order to be consistent, and gradually extend further to all Life itself sites, @rufuspollock opened this issue to which I have picked upon and have been working along these lines by using web3 and labs as base projects to iterate. Hence, you can see the pattern of my design choices and why they are similar.

More info on what we are trying to achieve currently:

The aim here is to keep a consistent pattern in terms of design. The idea is to give a feeling that the user is within the same boundaries/ecosystem/scope when he/she is transitioning between LifeItself Sites. As of now when going from web3 to labs, the user is taken to a completely different website which looks like it has nothing to do with where they initially were i.e, web3 (even based on the Artboard-7 Penpot)

example of what I mean:

If we look at tailwind branding, etc., going from to I'm in a similar environment/framework (some sort of connection) although they both are two separate offsets in terms of what is being offered i.e, the former is a free tool and the latter a paid package.




As we iterate together on Labs, it's best to keep in mind how our design system would affect other parts of the Life Itself sites (lifeitself, web3, ecosystem).

nathenf commented 2 years ago

Definitely still keen for us to lock in a conversation. Everything you are saying is completely valid but my concern is that we are trying to fit two different websites into the same box. The entire purpose of the Web3 website is different to that of Labs - Web3 is a resource whereas Labs is more a portfolio and landing page.

Furthermore, if we are seeking to use Web3 as a basis to expand across other websites the big question is it this even the style that we want? IMO the Web3 website is not.

In general we want to keep a same style across all websites, but also have a differential. For example, we keep the colour scheme, fonts, etc the same but use a different primary background colour for each (Web3: Dark, Labs: Yellow, Mapping: White).

theo-cox commented 2 years ago

Thanks for helpful comments @khalilcodes and @nathenf. Agree on the points re consistency, and acknowledge particularly that you haven't had enough info up until now regarding the purpose of the Labs website, and the Labs brand identity more broadly.

I'm therefore going to put some time in for the 3 of us to discuss how to move forward. Hopefully I can offer the needed info around Labs (with Nathen's helpful input I'm sure), and you can tell us what you need for web/UX design.

More generally, though, I'd have to agree with Nathen: Labs is the overarching banner which other initiatives fall under, and so the brand identity for Labs should be what determines the rest (ie web3 and ecosystem sites). It was just unfortunate coincidence that the web3 site went live first, meaning it was implemented without that brand identity in mind. I'd agree with Nathen that the web3 style as it stands currently isn't suited to what we want for Labs.

Apologies @khalilcodes , as I know conversations like this are likely very frustrating! Especially when you've already done a lot of really great work. Hopefully as part of our call we can also discuss workflow, and how we can better support you in tech implementation going forward.

theo-cox commented 2 years ago

P.s. @khalilcodes see here for WIP brand narrative and useful summary excalidraw re Labs:

khalilcodes commented 2 years ago

Thanks @nathenf @theo-cox for elaborating on the concerns and explanations and also for the excalidraw. Look forward to our call. 👍

rufuspollock commented 1 year ago

@theo-cox can we close this?

theo-cox commented 1 year ago

Eh yeah why not. We don't yet have a complete design system but I think this is good enough for now.

theo-cox commented 1 year ago

WONTFIX. We've got a website which works well for now. We can loop back to a full design system later.