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[epic] Updated and consolidated Core SCQH / logic of existence / theory of change including summary "why Life Itself" - Sep 2021 #36

Open rufuspollock opened 2 years ago

rufuspollock commented 2 years ago

Currently we have a large amount of material spread in many areas. We would like a consolidated structure for our SCQHs and at least one root SCQH plus a consolidated summary version so that:

Hierarchically structured SCQHs: Like 5 whys our Why structure is hierarchical flowing down from top-most (most obvious, high-level) to lowest level (concretely what we do). It is likely that we have more than one SCQH, perhaps even one SCQH for each of these levels.

  1. Why: X is not working (polycrisis) (e.g. X is personal wellbeing, climate crisis, capitalism etc)
  2. Why: it needs a paradigm shift (i.e. to address the polycrisis we need foundational transformation - rather than improvements to the existing system)
  3. Why: primacy of being (left quadrants) (a paradigm shift requires (primarily) inner transformation individually and collectively)
  4. Why: how do paradigms shifts in general and esp left quadrant ones?
  5. Why: conscious communities
  6. Why: conscious community living ...




Extras / Inbox

Terms to define:

Naming the disciplines related:


Sub-tree stuff (to be sorted through and included in the issue tree or subtrees or discarded)

What is our near term roadmap

Where do we start?

Who are the stakeholders?

What do key terms mean?

How do the seedlings connect into a broader movement and general social change?


Job stories regarding the SCQH …

[internal] Structure and triage our work

When I am looking at what activities to take on or prioritize I want a grounded structure to evaluate these against and fit them into so our work is focused and coherence and hence more effective, understandable etc

How does SCQH relate? SCQH with its issue and hyp tree explicitly spell this out. Any existing or new activity should be relatable to these trees.

[external] what is your: what, why, how …

When looking at Life Itself I want to (quickly) grok your deeper reason/logic for existence i.e. what’s the problem and how are you addressing that … so that I know if it is a match and how i can relate

SCQH explicitly spell out the problem and with the issue tree and hyp tree set out how you need to address them. We could also do something a big more here interface wise.

What’s the pain point today?

2 products

This implies there are 2 distinct products to produce:


Need for Cultural Evolution



“I used to think the top environmental problems were biodiversity loss, ecosystem collapse, and climate change. I thought that with 30 years of good science we could address those problems. But I was wrong. The top environmental problems are selfishness, greed, and apathy … and to deal with those we need a spiritual and cultural transformation — and we scientists don’t know how to do that". - Gus Speth, World Resource Institute

“The more deeply I search for the roots of the global environmental crisis, the more I am convinced that it is an outer manifestation of an inner crisis that is, for lack of a better word, spiritual" - Al Gore, American politician and environmentalist



theo-cox commented 2 years ago

@rufuspollock moving to in review so we can discuss when you're back. See issue for comments.

rufuspollock commented 2 years ago

@theo-cox re-reading this i realize that the main focus should probably be on the issue and hypothesis trees, at least for the top level item where the SCQH part itself is fairly good. I also think a small mindmap (coggle maybe 😉) showing how the different existing materials fit together (or not) would be useful - e.g. there should be a hierarchical relationship of main SCQH (and its issue tree) with e.g. transforming the narrative.

theo-cox commented 2 years ago

@rufuspollock need some clarification if ok:


rufuspollock commented 2 years ago

@theo-cox let's start with the mindmap first and then discuss (i.e. last item). It would also help me to have a brief summary of what i should read in what order - that's the kind of thing to have in the update comments (i get you are updating the description with status on items but that still leaves me a bit in the dark when i come to review).

theo-cox commented 2 years ago

@rufuspollock OK. There is one doc to review which contains overall SCQH, issue tree link and short summary in that order (which is the order most natural to review):

theo-cox commented 2 years ago

@rufuspollock have also done a draft of the mindmap, but will admit that (perhaps due to the functionality of Coggle or me just not fully grasping what you have in mind), it doesn't seem to be very useful...

rufuspollock commented 2 years ago

[Update: 11d ago!] we reviewed and tidied new (longer, narrative) version and started turning into shorter slides.

theo-cox commented 2 years ago

@rufuspollock main issue tree now consolidated here:

rufuspollock commented 2 years ago

Finalized SCQH through question and done issue tree fully as of yesterday. Reviewed a bit with rest of team. next steps is to finalize spreadsheet version of issue tree and do hyp tree and plan first publication.

Here are some additional todos (also in description now).

Terms to define (write blog posts about)