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[inbox] Website fixes & updates #454

Open nathenf opened 1 year ago

nathenf commented 1 year ago

Epic Issue for website redevelopment:


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Misc from old issue #170

Digital Garden

nathenf commented 1 year ago

Hey @khalilcodes a few outstanding things here, which we discussed in our call. Do you think you could finish these early next week?

khalilcodes commented 1 year ago


Feature images not showing up when blog posts and residencies are shared on social media

This is blocked atm as a bug with flowershow websites

theo-cox commented 1 year ago

@nathenf @khalilcodes I've just added a dead link flagged to us by a visitor (

nathenf commented 11 months ago

FIXED - Priority tasks complete. One outstanding task about blog post images. This can be taken up as a separate issue when necessary, but is not a priority

rufuspollock commented 11 months ago

@nathenf an inbox task generally just stays open forever - it is a collector task with specific items either getting done preferably becoming issues ...

laurenwigmore commented 11 months ago

@khalilcodes we noticed a few issues with the Life Itself website. I've added these above into the tasks (bottom two). Are you able to look into them please?

laurenwigmore commented 10 months ago

@khalilcodes Hey Khalil, can you give us an update on when you might be able to look at the above issues please?

nathenf commented 9 months ago

@olayway this is our inbox for ongoing website issues we want to get fixed

olayway commented 8 months ago

@nathenf, @laurenwigmore While working on the new blog layout, I've noticed a lot of inconsistencies in the styles of different parts of the website, e.g. in spacing, font styles/sizes/weights, buttons (shadow, no shadow, big, small etc.) or categories links (underlined lowercase, not underlined capitalized, with hashtag, without hashtag etc.) used. I'm addressing some of these issues along the way (primarily related to spacing) but it would be good to take a closer look at it in the future (especially on the home page) because the site looks a bit messy IMO.

Also, should the collaborators be linked? Atm the URLs are empty, so the site just reloads upon clicking on them.

olayway commented 8 months ago

@nathenf, @laurenwigmore what are the tags used for? E.g. here at the bottom of the page. How are they different from categories?

olayway commented 8 months ago

Actually we want all urls to be in the format and remove the dates

@nathenf, @laurenwigmore This was mentioned next to some unrelated issue with broken links that include trailing slashes (can be fixed with the pending PR). Can you confirm if this is really needed?

laurenwigmore commented 8 months ago

Actually we want all urls to be in the format and remove the dates

@nathenf, @laurenwigmore This was mentioned next to some unrelated issue with broken links that include trailing slashes (can be fixed with the pending PR). Can you confirm if this is really needed?

Ideally yes, if possible? But it's not urgent.

laurenwigmore commented 8 months ago

@nathenf, @laurenwigmore what are the tags used for? E.g. here at the bottom of the page. How are they different from categories?

Honestly not a clue Ola. My guess is that they are there to give an insight into the theme under the category they sit. Are there many like this? Personally, unless the tags are already in the categories list, I would ignore them if it doesn't cause problems, as I imagine these are only on a handful of older posts from years ago.

laurenwigmore commented 8 months ago

@nathenf, @laurenwigmore While working on the new blog layout, I've noticed a lot of inconsistencies in the styles of different parts of the website, e.g. in spacing, font styles/sizes/weights, buttons (shadow, no shadow, big, small etc.) or categories links (underlined lowercase, not underlined capitalized, with hashtag, without hashtag etc.) used. I'm addressing some of these issues along the way (primarily related to spacing) but it would be good to take a closer look at it in the future (especially on the home page) because the site looks a bit messy IMO.

Also, should the collaborators be linked? Atm the URLs are empty, so the site just reloads upon clicking on them.

maybe this should be set up as a separate issue?

rufuspollock commented 7 months ago

@laurenwigmore i don't think any technical work is needed here so i think we remove that last comment to reduce noise in ola inbox 😉 (and then i can remove mine).

laurenwigmore commented 7 months ago

@laurenwigmore i don't think any technical work is needed here so i think we remove that last comment to reduce noise in ola inbox 😉 (and then i can remove mine).

Sure no problem, my only question for you and @nathenf is to confirm that we are just adding each blog with its title now under the Blog folder, outside of any other dated folders? And this will just publish without any issues?

I've deleted my earlier comment for Ola.

rufuspollock commented 7 months ago

Sure no problem, my only question for you and @nathenf is to confirm that we are just adding each blog with its title now under the Blog folder, outside of any other dated folders? And this will just publish without any issues?

Yes that is correct. PS: we need to be careful that an inbox issue does not become a real issue ... as we decide to do things from an inbox issue we should pull them out into actual issues.