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Jamie Bristow Podcast #601

Closed ZybN closed 6 months ago

ZybN commented 11 months ago

NOTE - This all needs to be reviewed and a number of amendments to be done i.e. recording re-edited, templates changed, intro jingle added to spotify.



Podcast Landing page content

INTRO This podcast shatters the myth that extraordinary lives are reserved for a select few. Join us as we dive deep into the lives of seemingly ordinary people who are walking extraordinary paths, uncovering their motivations, practices, and moments of transformation. We demystify hero worship and share accessible narratives of real individuals who have transcended societal expectations and norms. Each guest delicately navigates the balance between introspection and worldly engagement. Listeners are offered empowerment, kinship and inspiration for embarking on their own extraordinary journey.


Embark on a captivating journey with a podcast that shatters the belief that an extraordinary life may only be achieved by those who are naturally exceptional. In this series, we delve into the lives of individuals who have defied societal expectations and embarked on extraordinary paths, despite their seemingly ordinary backgrounds.

In today's world, where disillusionment with the conventional consumerist dream is pervasive, many are searching for an alternative. This podcast is a testament to that alternative. Our interviews seek out individuals who have chosen extraordinary lives, exploring the motivations behind their choices and the impact of their upbringing and environment. We dive into their practices, moments of transformation, and the delicate balance between retreat from worldly temptation and engagement with social change.

At the heart of these extraordinary lives lies a common thread: unwavering commitment to something greater than oneself. Through the power of storytelling, we aim to demystify the concept of hero worship, revealing that these figures are not larger-than-life beings, but rather individuals who found something worth dedicating their lives to. By sharing their remarkable stories, we aim to inspire listeners to believe in their own potential for making a difference and embarking on their own extraordinary paths.

It is a platform where extraordinary lives are unveiled and practical guidance is extracted. Each episode, ranging from 45 minutes to an hour, features interviews that are deeply personal though broadly scoped in their insight. Listeners will leave with tangible tools to embark on their own unique journeys of purpose and fulfillment.

In essence, the podcast challenges the perception that extraordinary lives are beyond the reach of ordinary individuals. We unravel unrealistic idolisation, offering accessible narratives and insights into the lives of those who have defied the norm. By delving into their motivations, practices, and transformative moments, we ignite the spark within our listeners, empowering them to embrace their own extraordinary potential. Join us on this captivating odyssey, as we guide you to discover a life that surpasses societal expectations and embraces the extraordinary.

One para with the essence Few paras with developments Some Notes from transcript: Where do I find like-minded people Figures that brought radical change tended to be middle class Reverence of figures like Gandhi, Voltaire puts them beyond the reach of normality - reading their biographies reveals that in many ways, they are just like the rest of us Interested in those navigating the balance between introspection and worldly engagement Not those forcing themselves into the public eye, nor those retreating into the monasteries. Those on the middle way. Showing stories of extraordinary lives may encourage listeners to take risks The great figures were all touched by something, they found something to truly commit to and they gave their life to that commitment. Something bigger than themselves What makes someone extraordinary Sharing a range of practices and experience Aimed at the curious, and at those who want to live life completely

ZybN commented 10 months ago

Few comments:

  1. This podcast is called Once Upon A Time by Sylvie Barbier,
  1. Podcast is scheduled on Spotify: Link
  2. Question: where shall I add the Landing page content that Jake created? the podcast page usually includes links to Spotify and Youtube and Bios.
  3. Podcast Assets link
rufuspollock commented 7 months ago

@alexianetcu are you clear on what you need to do next here? If not can you sync with Lauren and add a comment here with clear next steps 😄

laurenwigmore commented 7 months ago

@alexianetcu are you clear on what you need to do next here? If not can you sync with Lauren and add a comment here with clear next steps 😄

I'm actually just about to send an email to Sylvie to understand more about the series. @nathenf and I discussed he will be able to support Alexia to run through podcast aspects as needed this/next week, once she has detailed her next steps/what she needs.

alexianetcu commented 7 months ago

@rufuspollock quick update: I've been in touch with Lauren about this, once comms team is more clear on what to do with Podcast we will get clear next steps down. I have time to start working on it on Friday.

alexianetcu commented 7 months ago

ignore closing, I clicked by mistake

laurenwigmore commented 7 months ago

@rufuspollock quick update: I've been in touch with Lauren about this, once comms team is more clear on what to do with Podcast we will get clear next steps down. I have time to start working on it on Friday.

@alexianetcu just a recap on what I understood was agreed: you will review the steps for this to make sure you are understanding what to do. We will all speak re the Series, to avoid any duplicate tasks i.e. creating the cover images or description as standalone podcast and then having to recreate the design etc. But, there are a lot of steps that will need to happen either way, so I would suggest you get your head around these and check you are clear on next steps for when we provide the series update. For things like the editing, these can be started and the cover images added later, the descriptions drafted (you can view the Culturology podcasts to understand how we would reference the series - just adding a sentence or two) etc.

alexianetcu commented 7 months ago

@laurenwigmore yes, I will review this before Friday to understand the process and reach out to you or @nathenf with any questions.

laurenwigmore commented 6 months ago

@moonimmisch to practice creating issues with acceptance and tasks can you create a new issue for the two items I have tagged you in (twitter and socials for this episode). You can use the blog post issues as an example of what to include for the socials. Can you draft in a new document the tweet, instagram, linkedin and whatsapp promo text and images for this episode and then I will review - deadline completed by end of day 10th Nov.

laurenwigmore commented 6 months ago

Podcast is now live, promo is underway and Jamie has been informed.