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Presenting Life Itself at the Bergerac Hub and the purpose the Hub #673

Closed laurenwigmore closed 7 months ago

laurenwigmore commented 9 months ago

We want to better present the vision, mission, activities of Life Itself (and the Hub itself) AT the Bergerac Hub.

Aside: communicating Life Itself at Bergerac Hub is a first step in presenting Life itself more generally

Job stories

Job 1: When I am in the Life Itself Hub, I want to know who and what Life Itself is and what it does so that I understand the broader context, can share with others and get involved (if i want to)

Job 2: When I attend a residency or visit the life itself hub in Bergerac I want to feel more connected with the hub experience and its purpose as a deliberately developmental space and lab for those (and their "ecology of practices", etc)

Reference Links


General Notes


Tasks - Phase 2

Tasks - Phase 1


Ideas for later

Manifesto and ToC Text Ideas

Rufus brainstorm 2023-07-24

2nd Renaissance region

If we look back at past movements major or minor they had epicentres. Places where there were initial concentrations of people, ideas and activity. These places are the seeds of the coming paradigm shifts.

Whether we think of Florence and other Italian cities in the Renaissance. Chartres in the high middle ages. San Francisco in the 60s etc.

So today, in the second renaissance it will the same: there will be see

What we are trying to do here around Bergerac is to seed a transformative region, to create the first metamodern hamlets, villages, town and ultimately region.

Here in Bergerac and around Plum Village 20km to the south we are engaged in a conscious effort to contribute to the flowering/germination of just this kind of transitional region.

A metamodern municipality. A pioneer of the second renaissance. a teal town. ...

Why here?

Why here here?

A Second Renaissance

🚩 TODO: what is second renaissance

5 theses from cultivating

🚩 TODO: Add a sixth thesis: this transition has begun. We are in a second renaissance

We are in a dawn of a new era - or a new dark age. What we get is up to us and our efforts. At Life Itself we believe ...

  1. Transition is Needed: there is an urgent need for a transition from where things stand today.

  2. Transition is Paradigmatic: The transition involves a paradigmatic shift that includes a profound shift in worldview (views and values).

  3. Transition is Inner & Outer: the transition involves the integration of the inner and the outer – personal/collective growth as well as systemic transformation.

  4. Transition prioritizes Being: whilst inner and outer are both needed, inner development has primacy, that is it should be prioritized and takes ultimate priority (also known as the “primacy of being” thesis).

  5. Transition requires Engagement (of the right kind): transition can be cultivated but not engineered. There is a middle way between passive disengagement (just letting it unfold) and arrogant engineering. The challenge is therefore to facilitate transition and cultivate emergence, rather than seeking to engineer it.

  6. ...

Seedbed metaphor for new paradigm (and role of hubs)

2023 plan outline - Jan 2023 with Oliver Nash Excalidraw

Seed-bed is also a metaphor for broader development: the coming into being of a new paradigm

A critical point

Rufus oundle lecture

Previous content from Rufus, Oundle lecture, best attempt to solidify personal context:

Surveying people re Life Itself

Have we polled people about what Life Itself (the organisation) means to them? (3 responses from people we knew quite well)

22 responses from participants at 2019 gathering

Another simple poster

Welcome to the Life Itself Hub

This Is What We're About

In the past four decades, a confirmation and expansion of wisdom traditions by scientific rigor has converged with an ever deepening polycrisis.

There has never been a more important time to “grow up”, both personally and collectively. A paradigm shift is underway and we all have a part to play.

The big question is ... how?

Life itself is a home for people who are dedicated to rigorous enquiry and deliberate action for inner growth and cultural evolution in the service of social transformation -- creating an awakening society and a radically wiser, weller world.

Inspired by integral theory, zen buddhism and other key concepts, we cultivate these ideas and apply them to life itself, through deliberately developmental programs, spaces and community building.

Visit our website to learn more

Brainstorm - 2023-07-24

Job 1:

Job 2:

Actual Materials:

Landing page copy

Purpose and principles

Purpose to redirect hubdwellers to Life Itself website and other offers - mostly in the direction of deep research and reading. We want hubdwellers to associate this transformative experience with Life Itself as an organisation and to become invested in Life Itself and become ambassadors of Life Itself. Harnessing the power of word of mouth.

Poster links for redirection

Bookmark - /bookmark Reading Poster - /read1, /read2, /read3, /read4, /read5, /read6 Critical Point Poster - /critical-point-poster You Are At A Life Itself Hub Poster - /you-are-here Deliberately Developmental Space Poster - /deliberately-developmental-space


Lauren: Phase 1 - approx 40 hours

Expenditure: Bookmarks - Vistaprint: £22.99 Posters - Vistaprint phase 1: £93.82 Guest book: £25 (?)

laurenwigmore commented 9 months ago

Critical Point Slide Ideas for Poster

We are at a critical point in history The current paradigm is broken and causing mass destruction on individual, societal and global levels

"While practices such as mindfulness have gained popularity, this remains bound to the context of personal wellness rather than deep change"

  • I feel this is a key point ^

Ways that we used to make sense and meaning have broken or changed

There is a symptom of 'too much' prevailing that is preventing people from taking action - too much ambivalence, too much dependence on current systems, too much victim-hood, too much cynicism

Alternative ways of being don't resonate with most

The best of the current path we are walking is we can maintain existing, without ever experiencing our true potential

Stuckness and blindspots exist on mass scale Those that are aware of the need for transformation do not know where to gather (answer at the Hub / LI)

Being - Culture - Systems How do we shift/steer humanity into flourishing? Through planting the seeds of a second renaissance now.

Text added to poster mock up

We are at a critical point in history. The current paradigm is broken and causing mass destruction on individual, societal and global levels. Our holistic focus is limited to wellness, not profound change. Stuckness and blindspots exist on mass scale. Yet there is hope, for some there is an awareness of a need for change, but no one knows where to gather . . .

Welcome Life Itself and the Praxis Hub are seeking pioneers to work with us to sow the seeds of the second renaissance. To think, and act, and imagine, and create. To challenge, and transform. To inspire, and reveal. We are a place of pragmatic utopians, committed to practical action for a radically wiser, weller world. We are planting the seeds of the second renaissance to cultivate change and we invite you to join us.

laurenwigmore commented 9 months ago


Design own here If we order this week would arrive end of the w/c 7th Aug

Ideas mock up here

Could change guestbook to Murmurs Book - to stick with the play on words we might use on the bookmarks

laurenwigmore commented 9 months ago


Add back in commas and fullstops and remove ' quotes on 'tip' on bookmarks. Use png.

rufuspollock commented 9 months ago

@laurenwigmore @nathenf

We are at a critical point in history. The current paradigm is broken and causing mass destruction on individual, societal and global levels. Our holistic focus is limited to wellness, not profound change. Stuckness and blindspots exist on mass scale. Yet there is hope, for some there is an awareness of a need for change, but no one knows where to gather . . .

Previous version of this we had (from critical point slidedeck) I think is better ...

laurenwigmore commented 9 months ago

Article links

nathenf commented 9 months ago

Explore our digital bookshelf

nathenf commented 9 months ago

This one

nathenf commented 9 months ago

We are at a critical point in history

nathenf commented 9 months ago

www lifeitself org

nathenf commented 9 months ago

Redirects made for current pages. Now we can begin to decide which pages we want to create

Screenshot 2023-08-03 at 11 18 19
nathenf commented 9 months ago

Phase one posters have now been printed and are being delivered at the weekend. I have made a phase 2 section for us to look at next

nathenf commented 7 months ago

@rufuspollock I guess we are done with this issue for now? Do you want to capture any of the information before closing? Would also love to see the posters in place (if they have been put up 😆)

rufuspollock commented 7 months ago

@rufuspollock I guess we are done with this issue for now? Do you want to capture any of the information before closing? Would also love to see the posters in place (if they have been put up 😆)

I personally put up all the posters so they are up. You can ask @alexianetcu to take pictures which i think would be a nice way to close issue.

one question: did we build tracking into the qr codes so we know how often they are clicked? @nathenf

laurenwigmore commented 7 months ago

@rufuspollock no, we didn't. @alexianetcu - can you add photos of the posters into the issue? If you need help with how to do this let me know.

alexianetcu commented 7 months ago

@nathenf @laurenwigmore @rufuspollock I have uploaded the pictures of the posters under Phase 1 where they were outlined. Am now closing issue.