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[epic] Conscious Coliving Masterclass Series #720

Open laurenwigmore opened 11 months ago

laurenwigmore commented 11 months ago

Purpose & Principles

We have launched a free conscious coliving email course which has gained a good response (140 participants after 2 months live). Our Whatsapp chat is growing significantly (200+) and getting good engagement so far. We have an opportunity to really take this forward.

We have already chosen to go with Masterclasses as the next offer as a way to take forward the conscious coliving project and make it sustainable #257. As feedback from the CC101 form, people are seeking tools and practices for community living, so the masterclasses will be based around this.

The aim is to create a deeper body of work around conscious coliving that is the next step in the pathway way after CC101.

Outcome Visioning

By end of first quarter of 2024 we will have a series of 5 masterclasses about conscious community practices and approximately 100 participants for each one.




Meetings / Notes


Brainstorm - resources & ROI v3 Strategy Revision Coogle


  1. We have launched a free conscious coliving email course which has gained a good response. Our Whatsapp chat is growing significantly and getting good engagement so far. We have an opportunity to really take this forward.

  2. There is growing trend of people interested in reconnecting offline and building community. Also due to increased mortgage rates, cost of living etc, people are looking to co-house for economic reasons, but additionally connecting reasons and particularly community and partnership. Mutual support is also important. Also the rise of organisations like CSAs are helping to shift into a more conscious and community oriented paradigm.

Complication: We are in a chicken and egg situation, where we need to invest more resources to get an ROI on the community and communications, but for us the invest more we already need a return.

Question: How do we bridge the gap between resources and return on investment?

Ideas Pros Cons
Curated Newsletter Build us as authority, Unique to the space, 40% of survey responsdents wanted it, more control over frequency, builds consistent income over time, natural network effect Ongoing Effort, needs to be consistent, need to know where to get the information, resource intensive on sourcing information, slow build audience, low ROI initially
CC Course One-time development, Large ROI (£200-300 per person), funnels easily into other offers, leverages our existing network of experts, Can be scaled (smaller low cost course first and then expanded), participants likely to be hot leads to upsell to Build time may be long, requires filming quality content (not our forte), can become outdated and will need to be updated, requires ongoing advertisement and promotion (people pay once)
Paid Community We're already doing it, space for everything to be, internal sales funnel, more economical for people, build consistent ROI (membership based), opportunities for further development, A greater network effect, has more potential to be self-sustaining (in terms of engagement) Empty room syndrome potential, No-added value if we don't know where we are going, ongoing effort, consistency (regarding marketing and internal value)
Online Summit Huge potential to position us as authority, good for repurposing, build massive email list, enables us to cover a lot of topics Huge upfront effort, resource intensive, not a huge financial ROI, kind of go big or go home
Masterclasses/Workshops platform Easy to do one at a time, scaling potential, opportunity to network, can become bundles with scale, affordable for people would need to split the profits or pay them up front, how to set up the contractual aspects of intellectual property, filming required, resource intensive, more structure required around what they are presenting
Mentorship Program/ coach landing page Would need people to mentor,
Live gathering


Brainstorm of ideas

Marc hub practices Valerie cooking for community Catherine non-violent communication Sylvie imagination and creativity Rufus economics or science of awakening\ Nathen sharing is caring Lauren personal wellbeing, energy systems ETF/nervous system Karl Steyaert - Internal Family Systems Liam Kavanagh - Contemplative Activism, Interbeing Boaz - Somatic experiencing/relational embodiment Zencaster 'I want to know how to recruit people to my community' Course on community living practices

laurenwigmore commented 10 months ago

meeting 2023-08-29 notes

Course on community living practices

Diginomics next courses: Paying for the First Copy: Designing Digital Business Models. Discovering Hidden Digital Cause of Rising Inequality

nathenf commented 9 months ago

@laurenwigmore lets link this to beacon epic and maybe transfer the notes from here that are relevant to the beacons issue

rufuspollock commented 1 week ago

This was an idea from summer 2023. In ideas inbox as may return to it one day. Wasn't really shaped - more ideation atm.