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[EPIC] Move Life Itself community to better functioning platform #789

Closed nathenf closed 8 months ago

nathenf commented 8 months ago




Situation: We have a Whatsapp community with 300+ members. We have received some great responses in terms of the content and members are generally excited to join. However, we have received feedback from multiple members about the functionality of Whatsapp for a fully interactive community.

Complication: Whatsapp only has a linear chat function, does not have threads, or simple ways for members to interact on particular topics. There is no user journey on whatsapp except when people join (also the chat looks empty when they join). Scaling the chat is limited.

Question: What platform should we use to host our community and how do we transition successfully to it?

Hypothesis: More to Discord as our central community space.

Why discord?

Thinking into the future what utilities do we need?


rufuspollock commented 8 months ago

I would think hard about this before doing anything. You'd need something really not to work b4 we switch because getting people to move is hard.

What about if we try and complement whatsapp with github forum more?

rufuspollock commented 8 months ago

2 key points:

rufuspollock commented 8 months ago

Looks like WONTFIX based on discussion today (at least for now). Leave this to @nathenf to update as his issue šŸ˜„

nathenf commented 8 months ago

WONTFIX - Whatsapp is not fully disfunctioning, so don't fix it

rufuspollock commented 8 months ago

@nathenf one small point:

nathenf commented 8 months ago

Summary: While Discord present numerous advantages for adding roles to members, integrating our community calls and courses directly into the community and threads for longer-form communication, it also has disadvantages:

Additionally trying to shift audience to a new platform is challenge and may result in creating an "Empty Room"

For now, Whatsapp serves the purpose we need for the community space and we will endeavour to enhance this further rather than changing.

zhiganov commented 7 months ago

Hi guys! It's great that you're using this forum and making your decisions a bit more transparent. However, I'm wondering if decision not to use Discord is based on previous experience / gut feelings / common sense? Do you know what % of your members already have Discord accounts? I would say if it's 30% or more, opening Discord as alternative platform (while keeping WhatsApp infrastructure intact) could make sense. Please keep in mind there are people like me who won't be engaged in WhatsApp in a meaningful way, but would happily engage much more if it was Discord (and by engaging I mean contributing, i.e. actually helping you with stuff as opposed to chatting). I know it's a tough issue for many communities who are trying to be as open / down-to-earth as possible, but at the end of the day you should consider what type of members you need more on the current stage: active contributors or passive readers / commenters.

rufuspollock commented 7 months ago

Hi guys! It's great that you're using this forum and making your decisions a bit more transparent. However, I'm wondering if decision not to use Discord is based on previous experience / gut feelings / common sense? Do you know what % of your members already have Discord accounts? I would say if it's 30% or more, opening Discord as alternative platform (while keeping WhatsApp infrastructure intact) could make sense. Please keep in mind there are people like me who won't be engaged in WhatsApp in a meaningful way, but would happily engage much more if it was Discord (and by engaging I mean contributing, i.e. actually helping you with stuff as opposed to chatting). I know it's a tough issue for many communities who are trying to be as open / down-to-earth as possible, but at the end of the day you should consider what type of members you need more on the current stage: active contributors or passive readers / commenters.

I've used a lot of platforms and in fact currently use discord. My personal "gut" feeling is that if we wanted something more substantial than whatsapp we could just use github discussions which is already our forum:

What do you think about that?

Background considerations/principles here are things like: