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Q4 2023 Planning (Comms): OKRs + Plan of Work #814

Closed rufuspollock closed 11 months ago

rufuspollock commented 1 year ago

It is now mid Sep. CC101, a content planner, plus a podcast and ongoing community calls were shipped in Q3 2023 and are ticking along. The question is what we do next - we have something of an open field.

This, of course, brings us to the question of overall strategy / direction - our Comms plan should build off that. This suggests a dependency on - or at least greater clarity there.

Concise summary and overview of agreed strategy and outputs here



High level strategy

Identify OKRs

Identify major workstreams


Beacon Brainstorm

2x more week long email introductory course 1 for the second renaissance, one for cultivating being:

Toolkit Brainstorm

Following "The Weeks" U approach we could make 3 hour long conversations about:

September Meeting Notes

Strategy Summary (for our purposes)

How do people shift from one paradigm to the other? Why does density (i.e. pockets matter etc)

What do people belong to?

How do we support that transition (and sustained transition i.e. w/o reversion)

Answer: Sanghas and Pockets

What distinguishes Life Itself Sanghas and Pockets (from other Sanghas and Pockets)

Why do you come to "our pizza restaurant" rather than another one.

Questions (in progress)

Clarifying terminology

Steps in the transition



Discover the beacons (i.e. topics, events etc) that attract "Life Itself" type people (in the process iterating and refine that)

What are Life Itself type people? What are they interested in? We don't know exactly. Our rough initial definition:

people interested/committed to embodied practical action for a second renaissance with primacy of being flavor

Aim at the end to have a short: Intro to Life Itself course that ambassadors could run with e.g. 6-8 people over 6 weeks

Key results


Using welcome group to observe introductions to see if people are Life Itself flavoured.

What is a better metric than size of Whatsapp group?

Belonging is formed in Dialogue, so how do we create more dialogue?

Still a big too high level

Top level objective: a flourising self-growing/organizing (in long-run?) sangha of people interested/committed to embodied practical action for a second renaissance

Key results

Objective: X courses introducing the key ideas and principles and practices of second renaissance, cultivating being, life itself etc

Objective: contribution / participation opportunities and journey

Objective: Develop authentic and deeply connected Sangha / create leaders or ambassadors to convey the second renaissance and awakening message

Objective: membership journey - identification and development of individuals roles/expertise without being the leader

Objective (later): start of a movement for a second renaissance emerging out of this sangha and joining with other sanghas

Objective (later): Pockets forming and networking together to form the core of the second renaissance and emerging awakening society.

Planning Q4 2023

Review Planned already for rest of 2023

UPDATE: probably cancel values rally.

New Plan



Movies + Books



Our 3 core topics

system for each topic:

Email course 4week zoom Hub week
Conscious Coliving
2nd Renaissance
Cultivating Being Text Text

Purpose of community calls (discussion 2023-09-25)

Key results

Baseline: Community calls: currently around 10-15 register/attend (slightly less) and less than 100 views on YouTube

laurenwigmore commented 1 year ago

Nathen and Lauren reflections from a post discussion:

nathenf commented 1 year ago

Side note: We should reach out to Caroline and others who came a lot and no longer do - ask why

Next Actions:

Side notes:

Action: Nathen to break down a call and create some shorts for an experiment

?? Visible offer on major routes on the website (RP note)

rufuspollock commented 11 months ago

FIXED. This was pretty much complete plus now superseded by #875