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[epic] Core Beacons for 2024 #826

Open laurenwigmore opened 8 months ago

laurenwigmore commented 8 months ago

Following on from discussions related to #814 - the next action is to create the follow-up CC101 type courses and learn pages #566, to act as other core beacons to attract and engage Life Itself members.

3 core topics were decided as being central to Life Itself: Conscious Coliving, the Second Renaissance and Cultivating Being.

Core Beacons (useful notes from issues already in progress added further down in this issue for ease):

Lauren and Nathen agreed Learn pages should be created for all of the above (except the toolkit) following on the below diagram.

Items to consider for each:


Acceptance for each email course

Tasks for each email course

Approach to beacon creation

Conscious Coliving 101 Launch Strategy

Useful Overview Notes / Currently Where At

Conscious Coliving MCs

We have already chosen to go with Masterclasses as the next offer as a way to monetize the conscious coliving project As feedback from the CC101 form, people are seeking tools and practices for community living, so the masterclasses will be based around this.

The aim is to create a deeper body of work around conscious coliving that is the next step in the pathway way after CC101.

Outcome Visioning By end of first quarter of 2024 we will have a series of 5 masterclasses about conscious community practices and approximately 100 participants for each one. to adapt this to 1 MC based on the other beacons we are also working on

Tasks Brainstorm masterclass ideas and facilitators 🚧 Spreadsheet of potential guests Figure out how we will host the masterclasses 🚧 or or teachable or - need to do analysis Decide on profit share model (with facilitators) - do we pay up front or make a profit share? Outreach potential facilitators Film first masterclass Promote and sell first masterclass Refine and repeat

Bonus Create a proper learn page for conscious coliving Include breakdown of what we want to explore, plus the course and a roadmap

Decisions to be made on if we will use external people or internal.

Q: What is the course about? Should lead off from CC101 Practices for conscious community? Who else is at the hub? Marc hub practices Valerie cooking for community Catherine non-violent communication Sylvie imagination and creativity Rufus economics or science of awakening\ Nathen sharing is caring Lauren personal wellbeing, energy systems ETF/nervous system Karl Steyaert - Internal Family Systems Liam Kavanagh - Contemplative Activism, Interbeing Boaz - Somatic experiencing/relational embodiment Zencaster 'I want to know how to recruit people to my community' Course on community living practices

Conscious Parenting

Create a conscious parenting course and/or resources online so that others may use them

Why: conscious parenting is one very concrete, very powerful area of application of "wiser" principles to day to day life.

Material available on #363 #97

Ken Wilber - Integral Theory

Conscious Food

Learn Pages


Meeting 2023-20-03 with Nathen, Lauren and Liana

Background: Liana is a very active member of the LI community and has been using our material to run her own sessions in Tasmania, Australia, and will be setting up a transformational learning space with the Reseed Centre which will include three aspects - contemplation discussion, collective learning and eventually pop-up residencies, and with guests such as Pat Fleming and John Seed visiting there.

As she embodies the type of energy and focus we would like to cultivate/attract more of to help spread the mission of LI, we met with her to discuss what she might need, or find useful, and what is currently being used to help inform our Toolkit design.

Material currently being used by her:

Wants from a toolkit:

Extra notes: Lauren to revisit the PAL model she used to work with. Nathen has set up a LI Australia Whatsapp Chat. Notes re Masterclass: brainstorm syllabus, potential for offer of sliding scale prices.

nathenf commented 8 months ago

A beacon about Ken Wilbur would be useful - see also #109 and #123 @laurenwigmore and @rufuspollock

laurenwigmore commented 8 months ago

I've updated this epic to reflect the discussions around all potential Beacons for this Q4 period, and I've created or linked related issues accordingly.

laurenwigmore commented 4 months ago

@rufuspollock I wasn't sure whether to close this or move to someday maybe, as some useful work and insight here (and maybe in the studio model) but not relevant now as tasks we will action

rufuspollock commented 4 months ago

@laurenwigmore are you asking for my input or informing me of your uncertainty 😉

I hear you think there is some material that we should somehow capture or digest. What parts most stand out to you?

Perhaps one approach could be worth transferring this to the forum and adding a link to a "Map of Content" with a brief summary of what is there and why it could be relevant?