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[shape] Documenting and sharing learnings from the Bergerac Hub over the last 3y #989

Open rufuspollock opened 3 months ago

rufuspollock commented 3 months ago

Shaping a proposal around topic "Documenting and sharing learnings from the Bergerac Hub over the last 3y"


Proposal (v0.1 unfinished)

Problem: We don't have a systematic process for capturing information/learnings that are coming up through people's experience in the Hub, or for sharing the information that is being captured (internally and externally), so that means we are not maximising our potential as an evolutionary learning system, nor showcasing our work as well as we could.

There is a lot of learning happening; there is some being captured. How can we publish this in a consolidated place where it can help us and others to learn from this experience?


Rabbit holes/outside scope

Notes: this popped into my head:

If you just had 48h what would you do ....