life-itself / second-renaissance

πŸŒ„ An introduction to the second renaissance (this time between worlds) and associated emerging ecosystem - aka liminal web, metamodern, teal, integral, metacrisis.
3 stars 5 forks source link

Move 2021 report to its own page and tidy #249

Closed rufuspollock closed 1 week ago

rufuspollock commented 3 months ago

Intention: have one integrated landing page for PIP that is more report like.


Overall goals:


### Tasks ...
- [x] Relocate landing page to `ecosystem/pip` or similar **βœ…2024-04-02**
- [x] Move profiles and fix links from directory etc if needed **βœ…2024-04-02**
- [x] Update hero section (see "Hero section" below) **βœ…2024-04-18 See "Hero" section in [PIP Report redraft 2024](**
- [x] Consolidate, update, and add to existing material to form a report (see "Report" below)
- [x] Move from current `/ecosystem/pip-2021` to simple `ecosystem/pip` **βœ…2024-05-19**
- [x] 2024-06-04 N.B. PIP profiles are β€œbroken” in the sense that they no longer show the frontmatter data… what happened? How do we fix this? E.g.  **βœ…2024-06-06 FIXED had missed out changing something in code to set profiles layout after relocation of pip-2021 to pip**
- [x] Redirects for all the old stuff here ... e.g. `/viz/`, `/profiles/` etc ... e.g. and should go to ecosystem landing page instead of 2r landing page **βœ…2024-06-28 fr vis and profiles. Leaving to redirect to secondrenaissance**
- [x] Delete (or move to ecosystem/pip)? **βœ…2024-06-28**

Hero section


Draft here: PIP Report redraft 2024

ToC sketch:


### Misc
- [x] Back-blog Ronan Harrington interview from this [draft]( **Published here:**
- [x] At the bottom of this page: a) Fix link to ecosystem mapping b) Fix link to newsletter signup
- [x] Ditto for
- [x] Ditto for
- [x] Ditto for
- [x] Ditto for
- [ ] Fix visualisations on this page (not showing up properly for me -- see screenshots): ❌ **Don't need to do this -- added short blurb re each vis to the main PIP landing page and linked to full report for more detail. Can delete this page.**
- [ ] Move visualizations page for PIP report under pip ... ❌ **I don't see a reason to do that right now**
- [ ] ? Delete the about page (after integrating)? ❌ **The About page was updated to be a general about page for the 2R project so no need to delete now**
- [ ] ? move directory to a separate page?? **❌  I don't see a reason to do that right now**

Screenshot 2024-04-08 at 14 23 24 Screenshot 2024-04-08 at 14 23 28

### Materials to review and integrate
- [x]
- [x] See list at bottom of
  - [x] Preliminary research interviews **Interviews are linked in Preliminary research interviews section**
  - [x] Alpha Launch, <> **Integrated into current focus section**
  - [x] Mapping for Emergence, <> **Quoted and linked in Why map? section**
  - [x] Partnership with IFIS announcement, <>
  - [x] October 2022 mapping update, <>
- [x] Highlights from interviews

Extras: what about

New text for

Why do we want it at all?

What's the KISS approach?

Where do we write about our plans? the overall project? rather than the outputs ...

catherinet1 commented 3 months ago

NTS: idea: one "report" page which documents the background, motivation, why map etc., similar in format to 2020 page, and links out to mapping site itself, and one "map site" which is similar in format to current ecosystem map site, for people just interested in the ecosystem itself and less in the research background behind it

rufuspollock commented 3 months ago

OK, first, great job Catherine on synthesizing all the material πŸ‘πŸ‘ I'm basing my consolidated report largely on the synthesis you've done. Also finding lots of related material is going to be really useful as i think we can link that out in an appendix too.

Clarifying the misunderstanding about having one output (vs report and landing page)

I think there was a bit of an initial misunderstanding: what i'd thought we were doing was a) relocating (quick) b) updating the 2021 landing page to be more of a report.

Here's the original rough task list (to remind myself):

- [ ] Change the title to be specific e.g. "PIP for Social Change: Mapping an Emerging Ecosystem of Paradigmatic, Integrative, and Pragmatic Changemakers"
- [ ] Move the names that are currently in the carousel --> πŸ‘ Mention them in intro? e.g. "We sense that a new ecosystem, or ecosystem of ecosystems, is emerging. It goes by many names, e.g. Metamodern, Polycrisis, Metacrisis, Great Transition, Liminal ... etc."  
- [ ] Change PIE to PIP
- [ ] Frame the visualizations better ...
- [ ] Not clear what Discover and Explore buttons mean -- change to e.g. "Read more" and "Explore the organisations"
- [ ] ? move directory to a separate page??
- [ ] Integrate /about/ page as introduction / motivation
- [ ] Have better headings
- [ ] Published date in the hero section (with maybe updates info e.g. published Oct 2nd 2021 - updated Feb 2022)
- [ ] Correct authors to just be Life Itself ...
- [ ] Add Interviews section - blurb and links to published interviews
- [ ] Move profiles and fix links in profiles

Where I'm at.

⏭️ Let's review the gdoc together, decide on what is to be done and then we can implement.

Notes on approach, if this were me:

rufuspollock commented 3 months ago

Discussed and next steps at the top of the

catherinet1 commented 2 months ago

Have updated progress in issue above (see ToC Sketch under "Report" section). Report draft in progress here:

catherinet1 commented 2 months ago

Draft complete here and ready for review by @rufuspollock (esp method and visualization sections which is where there is the most new material):

catherinet1 commented 2 months ago

Next actions to finish:

catherinet1 commented 1 month ago

Re-drafted executive summary based on Rufus' feedback -- see Executive Summary v2 in @rufuspollock ready for your feedback again.

catherinet1 commented 1 month ago

2024-06-04 update


catherinet1 commented 1 month ago

@rufuspollock PIP report and landing page update is now complete, see and see previous comment for more detailed update.

Only thing remaining is redirects (see Tasks tasklist above)

rufuspollock commented 1 week ago

FIXED. Did the redirects.