life-itself / second-renaissance

🌄 An introduction to the second renaissance (this time between worlds) and associated emerging ecosystem - aka liminal web, metamodern, teal, integral, metacrisis.
3 stars 5 forks source link

[inbox] Inbox #257

Open rufuspollock opened 3 months ago

rufuspollock commented 3 months ago

April 2024 - from #283

### Tasks
- [ ] Extended Synonym names essay: compare previous approaches and draw out key insights and disagreements we may have e.g. metacrisis, metamodern, great turning compared.
- [ ] Rosetta: Glossary of concepts and maps between them e.g. Effective vMeme = Worldview Family = Cultural Paradigm OR Metacrisis =? Polycrisis
- [ ] Essays on Key thinkers/ideas
- [ ] BONUS ? Metacrisis definition piece

April 2024

### Misc from rc1
- [x] redirect to **✅2024-04-08**
- [x] Change redirect from (or update that to be about Life Itself work on this topic and have no redirect but some kind of link) **✅2024-04-10 ❌ will keep redirect for now**
- [x] Fix integral and Zen links on wiki index page **✅2024-04-12**
- [ ] Links to episode 3 and 4 broken on this page: @laurenwigmore
- [ ] BONUS: tweak styling to make font etc larger (like blog styling on life itself) @rufuspollock
- [x] - Fix link (Links out to which is 404) - should link to **✅2024-04-12**
### Questions / Big Ideas (needs analysis / shaping)
- [ ] Do we move ordinary people podcast to (and other content like that)
- [ ] 🚩 Where does wiki go? Do we want a wiki or a forum?
### Ideas
- [ ] ➕2024-04-04 A questionnaire about the 4 principles
- [ ] ➕2024-04-04 Second Renaissance Discussion session every week at the Hub
- [ ] ➕2024-04-04 Second Renaissance discussion group online - every 2 weeks
- [ ] ➕2024-04-04 Cohort course ...
- [ ] Publish ORA directory work e.g. at /ecosystem/ora #145