lifeart / ember-ast-hot-load

Universal hot-load addon for Ember applications. Support classic/pods/mu layouts and route templates reloading.
MIT License
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Yielded component not resolved when `...attributes` exists #716

Closed nwhittaker closed 2 years ago

nwhittaker commented 2 years ago

I noticed a somewhat convoluted issue where a yielded component is not rendered when combined with ...attributes.

Given a component that yields a component:

{{!-- angle-block-params.hbs --}}

{{!-- This container may not be strictly necessary, but gives `...attributes` a place to land. --}}
<div ...attributes>
  {{yield (component "x-test-wrapper")}}

And invoking it:

<AngleBlockParams ...attributes as |BlockParam|>
  <BlockParam />

Outputs the static string BlockParam instead of the usual list of numbers that x-test-wrapper produces.

Interestingly, invoking it without ...attributes or adopting the curly-component syntax produces the expected behavior:

<AngleBlockParams as |BlockParam|>
  <BlockParam />
<AngleBlockParams ...attributes as |BlockParam|>

The expected behavior also occurs if ember-ast-hot-load.enabled=false is set in ember-cli-build.js, so the issue does appear to be caused by this addon.

I have a branch with sample code that produces the problem at

lifeart commented 2 years ago

Hi @nwhittaker! Thank you for report and reproduction! It may be related to this lines:

Related PR's:

Could you try test

nwhittaker commented 2 years ago

I tested my sample on top of #717 and it did appear to resolve the issue, thanks!

lifeart commented 2 years ago

@nwhittaker thank you for testing!

ember-ast-hot-load@3.0.1 published