lifeart / ember-ref-modifier

Ember Ref Modifier
MIT License
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Cannot name the variable "element" in a Glimmer component #185

Open boris-petrov opened 4 years ago

boris-petrov commented 4 years ago

That is, doing:

<div {{ref this "element"}}></div>

Leads to:

Error: You attempted to access the 'element' property on a Glimmer Component, but that property does not exist in Ember.js applications, it only exists in Glimmer.js apps. You define a class field with the same name on your component class and it will overwrite this error message, but it will not be used by the framework.
lifeart commented 4 years ago

Looks like it's an internal Ember check.

lifeart commented 4 years ago

boris-petrov commented 4 years ago

@lifeart - yes, but I still believe it is an ember-ref-modifier bug because it has to "set" the value in such a way that Ember doesn't complain. I guess.

lifeart commented 4 years ago

ember-ref modifier use set from @ember/object, can't see issue here