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RequestStatus not working #12

Closed FloMaetschke closed 8 years ago

FloMaetschke commented 8 years ago

I am using the Routing approach and i am not able to request a status.

Sending, Eventing works fine. But when i do a _connection.RequestStatus("1/2/3/"); the status event is not fired. just nothing happens. any idea what might be wrong?

When i do switch on the lamp the status ga is updated and i do receive this update through the "Event" - event successfully.

TiagoOliveiraMarques commented 8 years ago

In the parameters of the actuator which is controlling the lamp, do you have any "status report" option, or something similar, enabled?

FloMaetschke commented 8 years ago

I am using MDTs AKK-1616.02 switch actuators: They have a several object functions for each channel: right now i am using switching and actual status of a channel.

I want to read the status with with RequestStatus method.

ETS5 says: on the ga "Light1 status" type: 1.001 The mdt switch actuator object function "status" has the following flags enabled: Communication, Read, Transmit

Its assigned to the ga and already working with my switch's led lamps.

Any Idea?

I tried ETS5 diagnose using group monitor:

The actual request message is sent correctly, the actuator response with the correct value. So i guess the event is not fired correctly or the response message not correctly received?

FloMaetschke commented 8 years ago

using your debug flag this is what happens:

1/1/42 is the ga for switching, 1/4/42 the ga for the actual status.

i do request status for 1/4/42

29-00-AC-F0-00-00-0C-2A-01-00-00 Event Header Length: 6 Event Protocol Version: 10 Event Service Type: 0x0530 Event Total Length: 17 Event Message Code: 29 Event Aditional Info Length: 0 Event Control Field 1: 10101100 Event Control Field 2: 11110000 Event Source Address: 0.0.0 Event Destination Address: 1/4/42 Event Data Length: 1 Event APDU: 0x0000

Event Data:

29-00-AC-F0-00-00-0C-2A-01-00-00 Event Header Length: 6 Event Protocol Version: 10 Event Service Type: 0x0530 Event Total Length: 17 Event Message Code: 29 Event Aditional Info Length: 0 Event Control Field 1: 10101100 Event Control Field 2: 11110000 Event Source Address: 0.0.0 Event Destination Address: 1/4/42 Event Data Length: 1 Event APDU: 0x0000

Event Data:

29-00-BC-F0-11-04-0C-2A-01-00-41 Event Header Length: 6 Event Protocol Version: 10 Event Service Type: 0x0530 Event Total Length: 17 Event Message Code: 29 Event Aditional Info Length: 0 Event Control Field 1: 10111100 Event Control Field 2: 11110000 Event Source Address: 1.1.4 Event Destination Address: 1/4/42 Event Data Length: 1 Event APDU: 0x0041

Event Data: ☺

FloMaetschke commented 8 years ago

Oh man! I could knock my head on the wall....

Everything is working fine.

It was my fault. _connection.KnxEventDelegate += Event; _connection.KnxStatusDelegate += Status; <--- this was missing in my code.. sorry