I m trying to run VINS-RGBD with your rosbag. The slam code expect accelerometer and gyroscope to be in a single topic. I get /camera/imu topic by linear_interpolation of /camera/accel/sample and /camera/gyro/sample which is provided by the realsense-ros. But your rosbag contains accelerometer and gyroscope on separate topics. Do you have any script or any application that combine them with linear_interpolation into a single topic?
I m trying to run VINS-RGBD with your rosbag. The slam code expect accelerometer and gyroscope to be in a single topic. I get /camera/imu topic by linear_interpolation of /camera/accel/sample and /camera/gyro/sample which is provided by the realsense-ros. But your rosbag contains accelerometer and gyroscope on separate topics. Do you have any script or any application that combine them with linear_interpolation into a single topic?
Thanks in advance.