Open thekaganugur opened 4 years ago
On a cursory read through the links you have posted, this appears to me like a coc.nvim issue. If I have understood correctly, the delimiters are highlighted with Normal. What happens if you set:
let g:solarized_termtrans=1
and reload the color scheme? With that option the Normal's background is not set, so the background will inherit your terminal's background. Does that also fix your issue?
Sorry, nothing changed. Disabling syntax highlighting on floating windows fixes the issue if this will give you a clue.
That's strange. I have seen two proposed solutions to the issue. The first is to override Normal after loading the color scheme, using an autocommand:
autocmd Colorscheme solarized8_flat hi Normal guifg=#657b83 ctermfg=66 guibg=NONE ctermbg=NONE
But if setting g:solarized_termtrans
didn't fix it, I doubt that the above will do.
Elsewhere, I have seen people override a Quote
highlight group instead. So, you might also try:
autocmd Colorscheme solarized8_flat hi Quote guifg=#657b83 ctermfg=66 guibg=NONE ctermbg=NONE
I cannot reproduce this right now, because I don't use none of Neovim, Plug, coc.nvim, etc. I'll try to set up a test environment when possible.
I am seeing red highlights in floating menus not sure if this is related to this issue:
How would I go about changing the floating menu to solarized dark colors or a simple white background. I'd prefer more contrast to make it easier to read floating menus.
On a cursory read through the links you have posted, this appears to me like a coc.nvim issue. If I have understood correctly, the delimiters are highlighted with Normal. What happens if you set:
let g:solarized_termtrans=1
and reload the color scheme? With that option the Normal's background is not set, so the background will inherit your terminal's background. Does that also fix your issue?
I had the same problem, but I did the method you suggested and the problem was solved. Thank you very much. By the way, I was using Vim 8.2
Problems summary
I'm using CoC, when I hover to get documentation via float window, the parentheses background color is weird as need in screenshots.
Proper background color for parentheses on the floating window.
Environment Information
Minimal vim rc
The reproduce ways from neovim
Screen shot