liferay / liferay-docker

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Unable to build image #38

Closed vaibhatr closed 4 years ago

vaibhatr commented 4 years ago

I am facing following issue while creating image. Logs shown below:-

C:\Code\docker\liferay-docker-master>docker build template -t liferay-portal Sending build context to Docker daemon 13.82kB Step 1/32 : FROM azul/zulu-openjdk-alpine:8u232 ---> 97bb12e9b796 Step 2/32 : ARG LABEL_BUILD_DATE ---> Using cache ---> 937be184448d Step 3/32 : ARG LABEL_NAME ---> Using cache ---> ef025e9c9c65 Step 4/32 : ARG LABEL_VCS_REF ---> Using cache ---> c0180ac9ff2a Step 5/32 : ARG LABEL_VCS_URL ---> Using cache ---> 7909d196ecc1 Step 6/32 : ARG LABEL_VERSION ---> Using cache ---> cd5a454fbc37 Step 7/32 : RUN apk add bash curl nss tomcat-native tree ttf-dejavu ---> Using cache ---> f7f99bf256a5 Step 8/32 : COPY scripts/* /usr/local/bin/ ---> Using cache ---> 8ebf7684f09f Step 9/32 : RUN adduser -D -h /home/liferay liferay && addgroup liferay liferay ---> Using cache ---> 3fe4150cdfc8 Step 10/32 : COPY --chown=liferay:liferay home/.bashrc /home/liferay/ ---> Using cache ---> 30b5cecd3287 Step 11/32 : COPY --chown=liferay:liferay liferay /opt/liferay COPY failed: stat /var/lib/docker/tmp/docker-builder924338140/liferay: no such file or directory

Can anyone please help me resolve this issue. Thanks in advance.

zsoltbalogh commented 4 years ago

Hi @vaibhatr - I'm sorry it took so long to respond, there was a problem with the e-mail notifications and this is not the system we use to track issues so we don't come here day-to-day.

Using the template is not enough to build the image as we are using the scripts to prepare the folder before we call docker build. If you'd like to use this tool, I'd recommend the which can help you to properly set up the folder before starting the docker build process.

If you don't need to build Liferay Portal / DXP from source and you'd just like to package your addons, I recommend to use Liferay Workspace: