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fix: babel loader and buildrc #1138

Open BalrokHS opened 1 year ago

BalrokHS commented 1 year ago

In the latest Liferay React generator, I faced the following issues, that I was able to reproduce on different OS and setups.

The issues are:

I added the first version, that I found it was compatible. Feel free to up/downgrade the version of babel-loader.

izaera commented 1 year ago

Hey @BalrokHS, first of all, thanks a lot for you contribution :hugs:, however, the generator-liferay-js was discontinued long ago in favor of @liferay/cli (see the docs and especially @liferay/cli's manual for information on how to use it).

I'm not completely against merging this PR, but given that the tool is no longer maintained I wonder if it makes sense, because if it breaks anything, we will need to roll it back, as we (the owners of this project) are probably not going to fix it, which may lead to a series of merges and rollbacks until you or someone else from the community stabilizes it :grimacing:.

So, my proposal is that you first check if you can use @liferay/cli and if it is absolutely impossible for you, we can check again whether we want to merge this, let the project be forked, or any possibility that makes sense. I would like to give you a complete reply about this PR now but I'm not in charge of the backlog of the project, so I cannot provide any authoritative answer.

In any case, let's first check if you can use @liferay/cli better... Thx.

BalrokHS commented 1 year ago

The problem with Liferay/cli is that I can't seem to inject any of the ClayUI dependencies that are inside of the Liferay instance. Im using through docker and Im getting the following error on dev:

[Error] TypeError: Module name, 'classnames' does not resolve to a valid URL.

Also on build.

Could you guide me in order to resolve this with Liferay Remote App CLI implementation ?

izaera commented 1 year ago

Strange. That should work as long as you use the correct target platform (see

izaera commented 1 year ago

For example, the bundler import for classnames is defined in the @liferay/portal-7.4 target platform here ->

Without having more information or a sample project it's difficult to tell what can be happening...

BalrokHS commented 1 year ago

Im downgrading to, and I will come back with the results.

Question. In a remote app can I use a react router with a HashRouter ?

BalrokHS commented 1 year ago

@izaera After a long series of tries, I got it to work with Liferay/portal on Docker.

I imported the following dependencies:

Also tried to build and succeeded. React router does not seem to have a problem.

(Maybe I can post my results with a guide for the community. If you agree, please show me where 😆 ).

A recommendation is to fix the documentation of Liferay portlet creation, since the top search lead to the deprecated way and can be really confusing.

Great work with the Liferay-cli.

In the case of the PR, I think it resolves some issues that exist, so in case you decide to continue to maintain this, feel free to review the changes and accept them or even change them 😄

izaera commented 1 year ago

@BalrokHS Great news! :tada:

Very happy that you made it work.

Let me find out if there's some way for you to post a blog entry :+1: .

Regarding the docs, are you referring to the ones in this project? The READMEs that I linked?

And for the PR, I'll ask too what we can do.


izaera commented 1 year ago

@pablo-agulla @dsanz what do you think about merging this PR? Should we try it, or should we reject it and recover this notice ->

We used to redirect people from generator-liferay-js to liferay/cli in the past, but we had to remove the message because of the Workspace (see

Maybe it's time to recover the message (possibly hiding it when inside a workspace) and freeze this project correctly (including the README, which is a bit ambiguous).

izaera commented 1 year ago

Hey @BalrokHS, the canonical place to create a blog post is You can create an account and post your findings there :+1: