lifting-bits / remill

Library for lifting machine code to LLVM bitcode
Apache License 2.0
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Tests don't work on M1 Mac #602

Open tetsuo-cpp opened 2 years ago

tetsuo-cpp commented 2 years ago

The CMake configuration allows testing on x86 for anything that's not Windows. However for ARM, it only supports Linux. Relevant snippet here.

If I hack up the CMake to build on my M1 anyway, I see this assembler error on ninja test_dependencies.

/var/folders/mq/25w5gx6x0w7c5hq2l6tz8k_40000gn/T/Tests-070b22.s:7477:4: error: this directive must appear between .cfi_startproc and .cfi_endproc directives
7: .cfi_endproc ; .section "__aarch64_test_table", "a" ; .quad 0 ; hlt #0 ;