lifting-bits / remill

Library for lifting machine code to LLVM bitcode
Apache License 2.0
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PPC Sleigh patches #643

Closed Ninja3047 closed 1 year ago

Ninja3047 commented 1 year ago
tetsuo-cpp commented 1 year ago

Thanks @Ninja3047. remill-lift isn't in a working state yet on the PPC branch so it'll be hard to validate this. I'll let you know when I've got things working and you should be able to easily validate this on some PC relative instructions.

tetsuo-cpp commented 1 year ago


I don't claim that this is working 100% but I've got remill-lift to the point where it's spitting out something reasonable-ish looking for most of the instructions that I'm pasting out of Ghidra. It's probably at the point where you could start testing these patches. I've merged in my latest changes so this should be good to go.

The way I've been testing this is by invoking remill-lift. I find an instruction with some interesting looking P-Code in Ghidra and then copy the hex representation. Then I do:

$ remill-lift-15 --arch ppc --ir_out /dev/stdout --bytes 2a07 --alsologtostderr
tetsuo-cpp commented 1 year ago

@Ninja3047 Oops, I shouldn't have deleted this branch. Just restored it then. Not sure if you're still using this branch for your unit tests.