liftoff / GateOne

Gate One is an HTML5-powered terminal emulator and SSH client
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KeyError: 'gateone' #187

Closed deranjer closed 11 years ago

deranjer commented 11 years ago

Purged my old install of gateone, and downloaded the source for the newest version:

rm -r /opt/gateone rm /etc/init.d/gateone

sudo python install

sudo update-rc.d gateone defaults

cd /opt/gateone

./gateone --logging=debug

Traceback (most recent call last): File "./", line 3153, in main() File "./", line 2588, in main enabled_plugins = all_settings['*']['gateone'].get('enabled_plugins', []) KeyError: 'gateone'

I have python version 2.6.6 I upgraded tornado from 2.2 to 2.4.1 I have ordereddict installed

Not sure what "KeyError: 'gateone'" is caused by or how to fix it.

liftoff commented 11 years ago

Yeah, that was broken for a few hours. You just got lucky enough to checkout the code at that moment :)

If you pull the latest code it should be fixed.

deranjer commented 11 years ago

Hmm.. still having the same issue? Steps taken (as root):

rm -r /opt/gateone rm /etc/init.d/gateone

rm -r /home/username/GateOne (my git clone dir)

git clone git://

cd GateOne

python install cd /opt/gateone ./ Traceback (most recent call last): File "./", line 3153, in main() File "./", line 2588, in main enabled_plugins = all_settings['*']['gateone'].get('enabled_plugins', []) KeyError: 'gateone'

liftoff commented 11 years ago

Doh! You're right:'s automatic "this file has changed and this file has not" detection doesn't work so well sometimes. I'll fix it.

liftoff commented 11 years ago

I just pushed a commit that should fix this. Please confirm.

deranjer commented 11 years ago

Well that error is fixed.. this program hates me though..

Wouldn't convert my old style server.conf (error of some kind), so deleted that to start over So after looking at the help menu edited the settings/10server.conf (website documentation is slightly out of date or I missed the new version of the help docs) Changed my port number, added my internal IP that I was connecting to it from to the settings Then ran gateone as show below: (Also, thought dtach was on by default? Do I just have to add it to the 10server.conf?)

However, when connecting, getting a blank black screen in Chrome v25 and Firefox v 18: The 304's seem to be coming from firefox The 200's come from Chrome Both browsers show a blank black screen.. nothing else.

./ --logging=debug [W 130120 12:06:18 app_terminal:1813] dtach command not found. dtach support has been disabled. [D 130120 12:06:18 gateone:2618] Imported applications: [<class 'app_terminal.TerminalApplication'>] [I 130120 12:06:18 gateone:2985] Gate One 1.2.0 [I 130120 12:06:18 gateone:2986] Tornado version 2.4.1 [I 130120 12:06:18 gateone:3016] Connections to this server will be allowed from the following origins: 'DELETED' <-I am connecting from 103 [W 130120 12:06:18 gateone:3043] Logging is set to DEBUG. Be aware that this will record the keystrokes of all users. Don't be evil! [I 130120 12:06:18 gateone:2135] No authentication method configured. All users will be ANONYMOUS [I 130120 12:06:18 gateone:2247] Loaded plugins: help [I 130120 12:06:18 gateone:3121] Listening on https://*:8087/ [I 130120 12:06:18 gateone:3127] Process running with pid 19302 [I 130120 12:06:26 web:1462] 200 GET / ( 9.38ms [I 130120 12:06:47 web:1462] 200 GET / ( 1.42ms [I 130120 12:06:48 web:1462] 200 GET /static/gateone.js ( 62.84ms [I 130120 12:09:11 web:1462] 304 GET / ( 1.01ms [I 130120 12:09:20 web:1462] 304 GET / ( 0.99ms [I 130120 12:09:26 web:1462] 304 GET / ( 1.05ms [I 130120 12:09:41 web:1462] 200 GET / ( 1.28ms [I 130120 12:09:41 web:1462] 200 GET /static/gateone.css ( 1.05ms [I 130120 12:09:41 web:1462] 200 GET /static/gateone.js ( 57.43ms [I 130120 12:09:41 web:1462] 200 GET /static/favicon.ico ( 0.87ms [I 130120 12:09:45 web:1462] 304 GET / ( 1.00ms

liftoff commented 11 years ago

This is my fault: I just checked and I broke the JS with a previous commit (one or two commits ago). I just pushed a commit that should fix it. Please grab the latest code and let me know how it goes.

Also, I wish you had saved your server.conf... Then I could figure out what went wrong with the conversion so it won't happen to anyone else.

liftoff commented 11 years ago

BTW: Regarding the docs. They're out-of-date. I'm still in the process of re-plumbing a lot of the code (mostly just the JavaScript at this point). When that's done I'll be going through and updating the docs.

deranjer commented 11 years ago

Getting closer I think:

./ [W 130120 13:58:02 appterminal:1813] dtach command not found. dtach support has been disabled. [I 130120 13:58:02 gateone:2985] Gate One 1.2.0 [I 130120 13:58:02 gateone:2986] Tornado version 2.4.1 [I 130120 13:58:02 gateone:3016] Connections to this server will be allowed from the following origins: [I 130120 13:58:02 gateone:2135] No authentication method configured. All users will be ANONYMOUS [I 130120 13:58:02 gateone:2247] Loaded plugins: help [I 130120 13:58:02 gateone:3121] Listening on https://:8087/ [I 130120 13:58:02 gateone:3127] Process running with pid 21076 [I 130120 13:58:11 web:1462] 200 GET / ( 9.12ms [I 130120 13:58:11 web:1462] 200 GET /static/gateone.css ( 6.44ms [I 130120 13:58:11 web:1462] 200 GET /static/gateone.js ( 57.38ms [I 130120 13:58:11 web:1462] 200 GET /static/favicon.ico ( 0.84ms [I 130120 13:58:11 web:1462] 200 GET /auth?check=True ( 1.23ms [I 130120 13:58:11 app_terminal:345] Active Terminal Plugins: bookmarks, convenience, example, html, logging, logging_plugin, mobile, notice, playback, ssh [W 130120 13:58:11 terminal:181] Could not import the Python Imaging Library (PIL). Images will not be displayed in the terminal. [I 130120 13:58:11 terminal:184] TIP: Pillow is a 'friendly fork' of PIL that has been updated to work with Python 3 (also works in Python 2.X). You can install it with 'pip install --upgrade Pillow'. [I 130120 13:58:11 gateone:1087] WebSocket opened (ANONYMOUS via origin [E 130120 13:58:11 websocket:261] Uncaught exception in /ws Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/tornado/", line 258, in wrapper return callback(_args, _kwargs) File "./", line 1145, in on_message self.commandskey File "./", line 1709, in get_style rendered_path = self.render_style(color_path, _template_args) UnboundLocalError: local variable 'color_path' referenced before assignment [I 130120 13:58:11 gateone:1170] WebSocket closed (ANONYMOUS [I 130120 13:58:16 app_terminal:345] Active Terminal Plugins: bookmarks, convenience, example, html, logging, logging_plugin, mobile, notice, playback, ssh [I 130120 13:58:16 gateone:1087] WebSocket opened (ANONYMOUS via origin [E 130120 13:58:16 websocket:261] Uncaught exception in /ws Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/tornado/", line 258, in wrapper return callback(_args, *_kwargs) File "./", line 1145, in on_message self.commandskey File "./", line 1709, in get_style rendered_path = self.render_style(color_path, **template_args) UnboundLocalError: local variable 'color_path' referenced before assignment [I 130120 13:58:16 gateone:1170] WebSocket closed (ANONYMOUS

Also, I have a tar.gz file made weekly that backs up my entire server. I should be able to find and extract the old server.conf file and send it to you.

liftoff commented 11 years ago

OK that is one of those bugs where I can't help but wonder, "Why the heck wasn't I experiencing that?" That's a blatant "wrong variable" bug where the print CSS template was being passed the wrong argument. I should've got that error myself. My only explanation is that this whole time has been ignoring when I run " install"

Anyway, I just pushed a commit that should fix the problem. Please grab the latest changes and let me know how it goes.

deranjer commented 11 years ago

Well, it loads the top right icons, but black screen for the rest of it... no logon, nothing. I can click on pref and grid view and get something, but no command line.

./ --logging=debug [W 130120 14:38:30 app_terminal:1813] dtach command not found. dtach support has been disabled. [D 130120 14:38:30 gateone:2618] Imported applications: [<class 'app_terminal.TerminalApplication'>] [I 130120 14:38:30 gateone:2985] Gate One 1.2.0 [I 130120 14:38:30 gateone:2986] Tornado version 2.4.1 [I 130120 14:38:30 gateone:3016] Connections to this server will be allowed from the following origins: 'localhost:8087', '' [W 130120 14:38:30 gateone:3043] Logging is set to DEBUG. Be aware that this will record the keystrokes of all users. Don't be evil! [I 130120 14:38:30 gateone:2135] No authentication method configured. All users will be ANONYMOUS [I 130120 14:38:30 gateone:2247] Loaded plugins: help [I 130120 14:38:30 gateone:3121] Listening on https://*:8087/ [I 130120 14:38:30 gateone:3127] Process running with pid 21707 [D 130120 14:38:30 gateone:941] ApplicationWebSocket.initialize([<class 'app_terminal.TerminalApplication'>]) [D 130120 14:38:30 app_terminal:290] TerminalApplication.init(<main.ApplicationWebSocket object at 0xa5d248c>) [D 130120 14:38:30 gateone:950] Initializing GOApplication: <class 'app_terminal.TerminalApplication'> [D 130120 14:38:30 app_terminal:303] TerminalApplication.initialize() [I 130120 14:38:30 app_terminal:345] Active Terminal Plugins: bookmarks, convenience, example, html, logging, logging_plugin, mobile, notice, playback, ssh [W 130120 14:38:30 terminal:181] Could not import the Python Imaging Library (PIL). Images will not be displayed in the terminal. [I 130120 14:38:30 terminal:184] TIP: Pillow is a 'friendly fork' of PIL that has been updated to work with Python 3 (also works in Python 2.X). You can install it with 'pip install --upgrade Pillow'. [D 130120 14:38:30 gateone:830] Adding handler: (/ssh, <class 'ssh.KnownHostsHandler'>) [D 130120 14:38:30 gateone:830] Adding handler: (/bookmarks/fetchicon, <class 'bookmarks.FaviconHandler'>) [D 130120 14:38:30 gateone:830] Adding handler: (/bookmarks/export, <class 'bookmarks.ExportHandler'>) [D 130120 14:38:30 gateone:830] Adding handler: (/bookmarks/import, <class 'bookmarks.ImportHandler'>) [D 130120 14:38:30 gateone:830] Adding handler: (/example, <class 'example.ExampleHandler'>) [D 130120 14:38:30 gateone:1062] open() origin: [I 130120 14:38:30 gateone:1087] WebSocket opened (ANONYMOUS via origin [D 130120 14:38:30 app_terminal:412] [D 130120 14:38:30 gateone:941] ApplicationWebSocket.initialize([<class 'app_terminal.TerminalApplication'>]) [D 130120 14:38:30 app_terminal:290] TerminalApplication.init(<main.ApplicationWebSocket object at 0xa660cac>) [D 130120 14:38:30 gateone:950] Initializing GOApplication: <class 'app_terminal.TerminalApplication'> [D 130120 14:38:30 app_terminal:303] TerminalApplication.initialize() [I 130120 14:38:30 app_terminal:345] Active Terminal Plugins: bookmarks, convenience, example, html, logging, logging_plugin, mobile, notice, playback, ssh [D 130120 14:38:30 gateone:1062] open() origin: [I 130120 14:38:30 gateone:1087] WebSocket opened (ANONYMOUS via origin [D 130120 14:38:30 app_terminal:412] [D 130120 14:38:30 gateone:1120] message: u'{"get_style":{"go_url":"","container":"gateone","prefix":"go_default_","theme":"black","colors":"default","print":true}}' [D 130120 14:38:30 gateone:1567] get_style({u'prefix': u'godefault', u'container': u'gateone', u'go_url': u'', u'theme': u'black', u'colors': u'default', u'print': True}) [D 130120 14:38:30 gateone:1120] message: u'{"get_style":{"go_url":"","container":"gateone","prefix":"go_default_","plugins":true}}' [D 130120 14:38:30 gateone:1567] get_style({u'go_url': u'', u'container': u'gateone', u'prefix': u'godefault', u'plugins': True}) [D 130120 14:38:30 gateone:1120] message: u'{"authenticate":{"auth":"eyJ1cG4iOiAiQU5PTllNT1VTIiwgInNlc3Npb24iOiAiTVRjNE9EWTJZVGN3WldNeU5ESmxabUkxTXpreVpXWTJZakF5TURCalpUTmlNIn0=|1358710124|f5e70bbb6c166134c1e0550631846a8cc2d1190d","container":"gateone","prefix":"godefault","location":"default"}}' [D 130120 14:38:30 gateone:1199] authenticate(): {u'prefix': u'godefault', u'container': u'gateone', u'location': u'default', u'auth': u'eyJ1cG4iOiAiQU5PTllNT1VTIiwgInNlc3Npb24iOiAiTVRjNE9EWTJZVGN3WldNeU5ESmxabUkxTXpreVpXWTJZakF5TURCalpUTmlNIn0=|1358710124|f5e70bbb6c166134c1e0550631846a8cc2d1190d'} [D 130120 14:38:30 gateone:1932] send_plugin_static_files(/opt/gateone/plugins) [D 130120 14:38:30 utils:1510] memoize cache miss (applicable_policies) [D 130120 14:38:30 gateone:1833] send_js_or_css(/opt/gateone/plugins/help/static/help.js) [D 130120 14:38:30 app_terminal:424] TerminalApplication.authenticate() [D 130120 14:38:30 utils:1510] memoize cache miss (applicable_policies) [D 130120 14:38:30 gateone:1833] send_js_or_css(/tmp/gateone_cache/renderedopt_gateone_applications_terminal_templates_terminal.css_1358709995) [D 130120 14:38:30 gateone:1833] send_js_or_css(/opt/gateone/applications/terminal/static/go_process.js) [D 130120 14:38:30 gateone:1833] send_js_or_css(/opt/gateone/applications/terminal/static/terminal.js) [D 130120 14:38:30 gateone:1932] send_plugin_static_files(/opt/gateone/applications/terminal/plugins) [D 130120 14:38:30 utils:1513] memoize cache hit (applicable_policies) [D 130120 14:38:30 gateone:1833] send_js_or_css(/opt/gateone/applications/terminal/plugins/mobile/static/mobile.js) [D 130120 14:38:30 gateone:1833] send_js_or_css(/opt/gateone/applications/terminal/plugins/convenience/static/convenience.js) [D 130120 14:38:30 gateone:1833] send_js_or_css(/opt/gateone/applications/terminal/plugins/logging/static/logging.js) [D 130120 14:38:30 gateone:1833] send_js_or_css(/opt/gateone/applications/terminal/plugins/playback/static/playback.js) [D 130120 14:38:30 gateone:1833] send_js_or_css(/opt/gateone/applications/terminal/plugins/ssh/static/ssh.js) [D 130120 14:38:30 gateone:1833] send_js_or_css(/opt/gateone/applications/terminal/plugins/example/static/1hmac_sha1.js) [D 130120 14:38:30 gateone:1833] send_js_or_css(/opt/gateone/applications/terminal/plugins/example/static/1smoothie.js) [D 130120 14:38:30 gateone:1833] send_js_or_css(/opt/gateone/applications/terminal/plugins/example/static/example.js) [D 130120 14:38:30 gateone:1833] send_js_or_css(/opt/gateone/applications/terminal/plugins/bookmarks/static/bookmarks.js) [D 130120 14:38:30 gateone:1833] send_js_or_css(/tmp/gateone_cache/256_colors.css) [D 130120 14:38:30 gateone:1833] send_js_or_css(/tmp/gateone_cache/renderedopt_gateone_applications_terminal_plugins_ssh_templates_ssh.css_1358709995) [D 130120 14:38:30 ssh:1046] create_user_ssh_dir() [D 130120 14:38:30 gateone:1833] send_js_or_css(/tmp/gateone_cache/renderedopt_gateone_applications_terminal_plugins_logging_templates_logging.css_1358709995) [D 130120 14:38:30 gateone:1833] send_js_or_css(/tmp/gateone_cache/renderedopt_gateone_applications_terminal_plugins_bookmarks_templates_bookmarks.css_1358709995) [D 130120 14:38:31 gateone:1120] message: u'{"get_style":{"go_url":"","container":"gateone","prefix":"go_default_","theme":"black","colors":"default","print":true}}' [D 130120 14:38:31 gateone:1567] get_style({u'prefix': u'godefault', u'container': u'gateone', u'go_url': u'', u'theme': u'black', u'colors': u'default', u'print': True}) [D 130120 14:38:31 gateone:1120] message: u'{"get_style":{"go_url":"","container":"gateone","prefix":"go_default_","plugins":true}}' [D 130120 14:38:31 gateone:1567] get_style({u'go_url': u'', u'container': u'gateone', u'prefix': u'godefault', u'plugins': True}) [D 130120 14:38:31 gateone:1120] message: u'{"authenticate":{"auth":"eyJ1cG4iOiAiQU5PTllNT1VTIiwgInNlc3Npb24iOiAiTVRjNE9EWTJZVGN3WldNeU5ESmxabUkxTXpreVpXWTJZakF5TURCalpUTmlNIn0=|1358710124|f5e70bbb6c166134c1e0550631846a8cc2d1190d","container":"gateone","prefix":"godefault","location":"default"}}' [D 130120 14:38:31 gateone:1199] authenticate(): {u'prefix': u'godefault', u'container': u'gateone', u'location': u'default', u'auth': u'eyJ1cG4iOiAiQU5PTllNT1VTIiwgInNlc3Npb24iOiAiTVRjNE9EWTJZVGN3WldNeU5ESmxabUkxTXpreVpXWTJZakF5TURCalpUTmlNIn0=|1358710124|f5e70bbb6c166134c1e0550631846a8cc2d1190d'} [D 130120 14:38:31 gateone:1932] send_plugin_static_files(/opt/gateone/plugins) [D 130120 14:38:31 utils:1513] memoize cache hit (applicable_policies) [D 130120 14:38:31 gateone:1833] send_js_or_css(/opt/gateone/plugins/help/static/help.js) [D 130120 14:38:31 app_terminal:424] TerminalApplication.authenticate() [D 130120 14:38:31 utils:1513] memoize cache hit (applicable_policies) [D 130120 14:38:31 gateone:1833] send_js_or_css(/tmp/gateone_cache/renderedopt_gateone_applications_terminal_templates_terminal.css_1358709995) [D 130120 14:38:31 gateone:1833] send_js_or_css(/opt/gateone/applications/terminal/static/go_process.js) [D 130120 14:38:31 gateone:1833] send_js_or_css(/opt/gateone/applications/terminal/static/terminal.js) [D 130120 14:38:31 gateone:1932] send_plugin_static_files(/opt/gateone/applications/terminal/plugins) [D 130120 14:38:31 utils:1513] memoize cache hit (applicable_policies) [D 130120 14:38:31 gateone:1833] send_js_or_css(/opt/gateone/applications/terminal/plugins/mobile/static/mobile.js) [D 130120 14:38:31 gateone:1833] send_js_or_css(/opt/gateone/applications/terminal/plugins/convenience/static/convenience.js) [D 130120 14:38:31 gateone:1833] send_js_or_css(/opt/gateone/applications/terminal/plugins/logging/static/logging.js) [D 130120 14:38:31 gateone:1833] send_js_or_css(/opt/gateone/applications/terminal/plugins/playback/static/playback.js) [D 130120 14:38:31 gateone:1833] send_js_or_css(/opt/gateone/applications/terminal/plugins/ssh/static/ssh.js) [D 130120 14:38:31 gateone:1833] send_js_or_css(/opt/gateone/applications/terminal/plugins/example/static/1hmac_sha1.js) [D 130120 14:38:31 gateone:1833] send_js_or_css(/opt/gateone/applications/terminal/plugins/example/static/1smoothie.js) [D 130120 14:38:31 gateone:1833] send_js_or_css(/opt/gateone/applications/terminal/plugins/example/static/example.js) [D 130120 14:38:31 gateone:1833] send_js_or_css(/opt/gateone/applications/terminal/plugins/bookmarks/static/bookmarks.js) [D 130120 14:38:31 gateone:1833] send_js_or_css(/tmp/gateone_cache/256_colors.css) [D 130120 14:38:31 gateone:1833] send_js_or_css(/tmp/gateone_cache/renderedopt_gateone_applications_terminal_plugins_ssh_templates_ssh.css_1358709995) [D 130120 14:38:31 ssh:1046] create_user_ssh_dir() [D 130120 14:38:31 gateone:1833] send_js_or_css(/tmp/gateone_cache/renderedopt_gateone_applications_terminal_plugins_logging_templates_logging.css_1358709995) [D 130120 14:38:31 gateone:1833] send_js_or_css(/tmp/gateone_cache/renderedopt_gateone_applications_terminal_plugins_bookmarks_templates_bookmarks.css_1358709995) [D 130120 14:38:34 gateone:1120] message: u'{"ping":"2013-01-20T19:38:19.369Z"}' [D 130120 14:38:35 gateone:1120] message: u'{"ping":"2013-01-20T19:38:19.473Z"}'

liftoff commented 11 years ago

Any errors in the JavaScript console?

deranjer commented 11 years ago

From Chrome: Uncaught ReferenceError: logFatal is not defined (program):93 go.Base.update.init (program):93 (anonymous function) gateone.js:1129 GateOne.Base.update.runPostInit gateone.js:1124 GateOne.Base.update.loadJSAction gateone.js:1175 GateOne.Base.update.onMessage gateone.js:2100 2013-01-20 14:44:33 INFO PONG: Gate One server round-trip latency: 1ms gateone.js:1716

Firefox: [14:46:19.727] The connection to wss:// was interrupted while the page was loading. @ [14:46:19.779] GET [HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified 2ms] [14:46:19.729] 2013-01-20 14:46:19 ERROR Error communicating with server... [14:46:19.831] GET [HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified 2ms] [14:46:19.831] GET [HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols 103ms] [14:46:20.002] Error in parsing value for 'width'. Declaration dropped. @ [14:46:20.007] Error in parsing value for 'background-image'. Declaration dropped. @ [14:46:20.008] Error in parsing value for 'background'. Declaration dropped. @ [14:46:20.008] Expected color but found 'top'. Error in parsing value for 'background'. Declaration dropped. @ [14:46:20.008] Expected color but found 'top'. Error in parsing value for 'background-image'. Declaration dropped. @ [14:46:20.008] Unknown property '-moz-border-radius'. Declaration dropped. @ [14:46:20.009] Unknown property '-moz-box-shadow'. Declaration dropped. @ [14:46:20.036] ReferenceError: assignment to undeclared variable logFatal @ [14:46:23.999] 2013-01-20 14:46:23 INFO PONG: Gate One server round-trip latency: 2ms

liftoff commented 11 years ago

After re-pulling the git repo into a temp directory I was able to reproduce that "logFatal is not defined (program):93" exception. I just pushed a commit that should fix it.

Please grab the latest code and let me know how it goes.

deranjer commented 11 years ago

Thanks for your hard work, it is good to go, working fine :D

Here is the error I encountered when trying to import my old server.conf: File "./", line 3158, in main() File "./", line 2615, in main module.init(all_settings) File "/opt/gateone/applications/terminal/", line 1753, in init value = eval(line.split('=', 1)[1].strip())

My server.conf file (pulled from backups):

sso_service = "HTTP" locale = "en_US" https_redirect = False pam_service = "login" syslog_facility = "daemon" disable_ssl = False session_logging = True syslog_host = None syslog_session_logging = False address = "" api_timestamp_window = "30s" auth = None port = 8087 uid = "0" url_prefix = "/" user_dir = "/opt/gateone/users" log_file_num_backups = 10 logging = "info" dtach = True certificate = "certificate.pem" log_file_max_size = 104857600 command = "/opt/gateone/plugins/ssh/scripts/ -S '/tmp/gateone/%SESSION%/%SHORT_SOCKET%' --sshfp -a '-oUserKnownHostsFile=%USERDIR%/%USER%/ssh/known_hosts'" session_dir = "/tmp/gateone" log_to_stderr = False session_logs_max_age = "30d" debug = False session_timeout = "5d" origins = "*" gid = "0" sso_realm = None embedded = False keyfile = "keyfile.pem" pid_file = "/var/run/" js_init = "" cookie_secret = "MDM5MWNiMmM0NGRhNDU0MjhlMmZhZWU1NWQwMWU5MThmM" log_file_prefix = "/opt/gateone/logs/webserver.log" pam_realm = "TEST-Server"

liftoff commented 11 years ago

Thanks for the server.conf! I'm going to investigate it.