ligerbots / Steamworks2017Robot

LigerBots robot code for FIRST Robotics Competition Steamworks
MIT License
2 stars 1 forks source link

Vision #10

Closed xeniarose closed 7 years ago

xeniarose commented 7 years ago

Be able to reliably detect the gear lift target, the high boiler target, and the feeder station.
Return gear lift position and angle relative to robot, so a path can be generated for the robot to follow to the lift.
Return high boiler distance and angle so the robot can align and adjust shooter.
Return enough data to align to feeder station with the help of a target that the human player brings (if allowed)

xeniarose commented 7 years ago

Gear vision kind of works, but is still buggy sometimes

xeniarose commented 7 years ago

Things to fix:

xeniarose commented 7 years ago

Boiler vision

xeniarose commented 7 years ago

Closing for now