ligershark / WebOptimizer

A bundler and minifier for ASP.NET Core
Apache License 2.0
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AddLessBundle Works in Dev, but not when I publish to Azure. #231

Open tpspencer opened 2 years ago

tpspencer commented 2 years ago

When I publish my core3.1 website to Azure the path to the css files returns a 404

Here is my config.

app.UseWebOptimizer(); //placed before UseStaticFiles

var cssSettings = new CssSettings();
var jsSettings = new CodeSettings();

if (_Environment.IsDevelopment())
    cssSettings = CssSettings.Pretty();
    jsSettings = CodeSettings.Pretty();

services.AddWebOptimizer(options =>
    //css/Less bundles
tpspencer commented 2 years ago

Update: It looks like it is AddLessBundle that does not work. When I add the following AddCssBundle code, the bundle gets added.

tpspencer commented 2 years ago

It turns out that UseContentRoot() does not work in Azure.

When I moved my Styles and Scripts folder from the root of my web project into the wwwroot folder and removed UseContentRoot() everything started to work.