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Add Template Description Field to Template Info Dialog #7

Closed shaggygi closed 6 years ago

shaggygi commented 6 years ago

When creating a template for a project (by right-clicking project > Create Template...), it would be nice to have a Description field provided in the Template Info Dialog while adding other project data.

Currently, a default value of "template description" is added to the template.json file after creating the template.

sayedihashimi commented 6 years ago

Good suggestion. We should add it. Let me know if you want to take a crack at sending a PR.

shaggygi commented 6 years ago

@sayedihashimi yeah, I can tried to PR it. gimme some time to review and I'll let you know. thx

sayedihashimi commented 6 years ago

@shaggygi for description I was thinking to add a multi-line text box at the bottom of the WPF dialog.