lightbeam24 / CustomTube

Choose your own YouTube layout, plus some other settings!
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Stargazer themes completely broken (as far as I'm aware) #104

Open DrBrad22 opened 8 months ago

DrBrad22 commented 8 months ago

The Stargazer themes, at least for me, are completely broken and glitched, being unusable. The 2009 theme for some reason doesn't update analytics for each channel and video, and only displays the analytics for the first video played on a reload. Plus, on the title, a gray line appears, which as a person with OCD, makes it simply unusable. The 2008 one literally has the tabs bar clip into the channel and video on the watch page, and probably has the same analytics problems with the 2009 theme.

lightbeam24 commented 8 months ago

The 2009 theme for some reason doesn't update analytics for each channel and video

Analytics??? You mean the video metadata (like view count, upload date, etc)?

The 2008 one literally has the tabs bar clip into the channel and video on the watch page

Could you please provide a screenshot of this? I've seen some people mention this, and I have no clue how this would even be possible.

It's supposed to look like this (and it looks like this for me):


Plus, on the title, a gray line appears

A screenshot of this would be nice too.

DrBrad22 commented 8 months ago

Alright. And yes by analytics I mean the metadata. 2008 and 2009 themes image image

lightbeam24 commented 8 months ago

Okay, I have no clue how that's even possible.

What browser are you using, and what version? CustomTube is only tested on the latest versions of Firefox and Chrome(ium), and well as Firefox 115 ESR.

What other extensions/scripts do you have installed? Compatible extensions are listed here: Try disabling all extensions/scripts that aren't listed there (or just open a private window).

It also might be helpful to know your screen resolution. CustomTube doesn't really work all too well on screen resolutions below 1366x768, and works best on 1920x1080. If you have a low screen resolution, maybe try zooming out and see if that fixes it.

lightbeam24 commented 8 months ago

Actually nevermind all of that. I was just able to reproduce. You have "Use Custom Player Size" disabled. It's not supposed to matter in the older layouts, but due to an oversight, it needs to be enabled for most pre-2014 layouts to function properly. Will be fixed in the next update.

Edit: Oh, and it doesn't matter what size you set it to, Custom player sizing simply needs to be enabled.

lightbeam24 commented 8 months ago

I thought I fixed this in the latest update, but apparently the theoretical fix didn't actually work. I needed to rush this update out because it fixed a multitude of issues caused by YouTube's layout changes, so I'll just have to look into it for the next update.