The etc/ scrippt had the previous statement on the .travis.yml . It doesn't seem to be working (not sure if it worked previously). The fix is just refactoring the shell script control flow so it can run the command to deploy (remote maven repository) when it is using openjdk7 and master branch if it isn't a PR
Coverage remained the same at 68.78% when pulling 63a69fe1f4bc2e27a36d5ec764323e8ecb24fc73 on luan-cestari:FixTravisDeploy into 84b81903b270f61d55a05b96879d29de2c75b5b9 on lightblue-platform:master.
The etc/ scrippt had the previous statement on the .travis.yml . It doesn't seem to be working (not sure if it worked previously). The fix is just refactoring the shell script control flow so it can run the command to deploy (remote maven repository) when it is using openjdk7 and master branch if it isn't a PR