lightly-ai / lightly

A python library for self-supervised learning on images.
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Can we switch to torchvision v2 transforms? #1547

Open cgebbe opened 1 month ago

cgebbe commented 1 month ago

My understanding is that lightly uses the "old" v1 torchvision transforms, see e.g.

The v1 transforms have some drawbacks:

Would you accept a PR where we add the v2 versions? My understanding is that it's a drop-in replacement and that everything should stay the same, but I'd double check.

IgorSusmelj commented 1 month ago

This is something we already thought about. We should check if would require us to update the minimal dependencies. From


I think torchvision introduced transforms v2 with 0.15.0 which would require us to bump both torch and torchvision.

guarin commented 1 month ago

Hi, adding support for v2 transforms sounds like a great idea. As @IgorSusmelj mentioned, lightly still supports older torchvision versions that do not yet support v2 transforms. I would suggest to add the following at the top of lightly.transforms.__init__:

    # Use transforms v2 if available.
    import torchvision.transforms.v2 as torchvision_transforms
except ImportError:
    import torchvision.transforms as torchvision_transforms

And then replace code using the torchvision transforms in all files in lightly.transforms and lightly.collate:

# Replace this:
import torchvision.transforms as T
# With this:
import lightly.transforms.torchvision_transforms as T

This allows us to do the try/except check in a single place.

A PR would be very welcome (doesn't have to implement all the changes) :)