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URLs in repo with HTTP 404 error response #365

Open dstadulis opened 1 year ago

dstadulis commented 1 year ago

Script to find URLs in repo with 404 error response

$ grep --color -rhsI . -oE -e "(http|https)://[a-zA-Z0-9./?@=_-]*" | sort | uniq | parallel 'echo -n "{} "; curl --write-out '%{http_code}' --silent --output /dev/null {}; echo' > ~/responsecodes

$ grep " 404" ~/responsecodes | awk '{print $1}' | tr -d \' | parallel 'grep -rn {}; echo'


./lightning-network-tools/lnd/[Learn how to recover your funds.](


./community-resources/* [LNBits](

./the-lightning-network/lsat/[See how the client interceptor is coded in Aperture](\_interceptor.go)

./lightning-network-tools/lnd/ macaroon files are the only files with highly sensitive information that are not encrypted \(unlike the wallet file and the macaroon database file that contains the [root key](, these are always encrypted, even if no password is used\).
./lightning-network-tools/lnd/ macaroon bakery is described in more detail in the [README in the macaroons package](

./lightning-network-tools/lightning-terminal/* Check out the relevant code in the project’s [readme](

./the-lightning-network/[Bitcoin UTXO](\_7dGUZDxoBU8NrOQIZScwpg)

./build-a-lapp/local-cluster-setup-with-polar/ tutorial will leverage the Polar application for setting up a local cluster of Lightning Network nodes on regtest. Polar [can be downloaded]( for MacOS, Linux, and Windows. The source code is hosted [on Github](

./lightning-network-tools/lnd/* For more technical information [see the aezeed README](

./lightning-network-tools/lnd/ the [high-level macaroons documentation]( or the [technical README]( for more information.

./lightning-network-tools/lightning-terminal/[Read also: the gRPC service definition of Terminal Web Proxy.](

./lightning-network-tools/lnd/ a look at the [Java GRPC example]( for programmatic usage details.

Note: some URL point to internal LL resources which will return 404 for outside viewers but not for repo maintainers logged in.

kaloudis commented 1 year ago

https://lnbits[.]org is now

Liongrass commented 1 year ago

Thank you @dstadulis and @kaloudis ! I've gone through all these links and updated them. In some instances the links are for articles that are not currently displayed in the gitbook, I don't know why they remain in the repo but they could be removed. In other cases a manual inspection didn't reveal any errors.

I've also removed the internal link.