lightninglabs / lightning-terminal

Lightning Terminal: Your Home for Lightning Liquidity
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Add docs for running litd in regtest in a Polar environment #441

Open otech47 opened 1 year ago

otech47 commented 1 year ago

Seems like it may be possible ( currently to run litd on regtest (with any risks?) but at least for development purposes it would be great if the README or some other doc detailed how to get this running

I tried to get it working with Polar and blocked by some issue with the macaroon service. Not 100% sure if this can be solved from litd or maybe something specific to Polar... leaving this here in case it is helpful or if anyone can solve it

Getting error error starting macaroon service: unable to unlock macaroon DB: invalid password

with specs:

OSX 12.6 (Apple M1 ARM) Polar 1.4.0 Docker 4.13.0 LND (tried with custom LND , and v15.2) LitD (v0.8.2-alpha commit)

Screen Shot 2022-10-27 at 6 51 41 PM Screen Shot 2022-10-27 at 6 46 29 PM

huumn commented 2 months ago

I've managed to get it running with this config (from a working copy of our compose file):

      - 'litd'
      - '--httpslisten='
      - '--insecure-httplisten='
      - '--uipassword=password'
      - '--lnd-mode=remote'
      - '--network=regtest'
      - '--remote.lit-debuglevel=debug'
      - '--remote.lnd.rpcserver=stacker_lnd:10009'
      - '--remote.lnd.macaroonpath=/lnd/data/chain/bitcoin/regtest/admin.macaroon'
      - '--remote.lnd.tlscertpath=/lnd/tls.cert'
      - '--autopilot.disable'
      - ''
      - ''

We run a regtest network without polar, but I suspect something like this should work in polar. The subserver part is the ugliest bit.

The config options are documented in code well: