lightninglabs / lightning-terminal

Lightning Terminal: Your Home for Lightning Liquidity
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improve litcli documentation clarity #591

Open AndySchroder opened 1 year ago

AndySchroder commented 1 year ago

We have

$ litcli -h
   litcli - control plane for your Lightning Terminal (lit) daemon

   litcli [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]

   0.10.1-alpha commit=v0.10.1-alpha

   actions  List actions performed on the Litd server
   help, h  Shows a list of commands or help for one command

     accounts, a  manage accounts

     autopilot  manage autopilot sessions

     stop     shutdown the LiT daemon
     getinfo  Returns basic information related to the active daemon.

     privacy, p  Access the real-pseudo string pairs of the privacy mapper

     sessions, s  manage Terminal Web sessions

   --rpcserver value          lit daemon address host:port (default: "localhost:8443")
   --network value, -n value  the network litd is running on e.g. mainnet, testnet, etc. (default: "mainnet")
   --basedir value            path to lit's base directory (default: "/home/lnd/.lit")
   --tlscertpath value        path to lit's TLS certificate (default: "/home/lnd/.lit/tls.cert")
   --macaroonpath value       path to lit's macaroon file (default: "/home/lnd/.lit/mainnet/lit.macaroon")
   --help, -h                 show help
   --version, -v              print the version


daredevil3435 commented 11 months ago

I would like to contribute to this issue. Can you tell how do I get started?

guggero commented 11 months ago

I think some cleaning up of the descriptions of the help text would be a good starting point:

Though I'm not sure the first point is easy to address, as the privacy mapper isn't really documented anywhere outside of the code.

Liongrass commented 9 months ago

Hi Andy! You're right, the Builder's Guide didn't make any mention of the word "Privacy Mapper", and we've corrected that. In short, it's a way for litd to obfuscate your channel IDs, transaction IDs and pubkeys. There's a paragraph explaining it here.

levmi commented 9 months ago

Thanks Leo! Will close this for now. Feel free to re-open for any further questions if needed.

AndySchroder commented 9 months ago

Has everything in been addressed? Seems like only addresses part of the issue.

levmi commented 9 months ago

Ah yes, thank you for pointing that out! This was likely a pre-emptive close on my part. Apologies, will re-open until we fix everything :)

nonfungible-human commented 8 months ago

I think some cleaning up of the descriptions of the help text would be a good starting point:

  • Make sure all short descriptions use the same style (capitalization and punctuation?)
  • Rename "Terminal Web sessions" to "Lightning Node Connect"
  • Add extended descriptions for each command

Though I'm not sure the first point is easy to address, as the privacy mapper isn't really documented anywhere outside of the code.

I am interested in getting involved with this project. I have experience with system-level programming including go and c/c++, in-depth understanding of the bitcoin system and wouldn't mind enhancing some documentation in order to get familiar with some of the source code.

Is there a specific capitalization and punctuation style for the short descriptions, or is it only necessary that they are consistent?

Liongrass commented 8 months ago

Hi @nonfungible-human ! That would be great, we'd love to see that pull request! We don't have an official style guide, but we do try to have a consistent style on the Builder's Guide and you can always check there for references. I'll review your writing once the pull request is up, though you might have to ping me to make sure I notice! You can also always find me on the LND slack with questions!

nonfungible-human commented 8 months ago

@Liongrass Okay. I'll probably start with just a few improvements like the short descriptions first. How do I join the LND slack?

Liongrass commented 8 months ago

You can find the latest invite link here