lightninglabs / lightning-terminal

Lightning Terminal: Your Home for Lightning Liquidity
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allow disabling LND Accounts instead of removing them #600

Open AndySchroder opened 11 months ago

AndySchroder commented 11 months ago

We have the option to remove LND Accounts using litcli accounts remove, but this also permanently removes the transaction history.

It would be nice to have another option that disables an account or puts it in an inactive state so that we still have a record of the transaction history and the account's existence. We do have the option to run litcli accounts update --new_balance 0. That sort of works, but the user could still receive into it and "reactivate" it and from a management perspective we would have to keep track separately what accounts have a 0 balance because they are supposed to be disabled and what have a 0 balance because they really have a zero balance.

guggero commented 11 months ago

That option already exists with the account expiry. If you run litcli accounts update --new_expiration_date <timestamp_in_the_past> that should have the desired effect. The user then gets an error like this: account <id> has expired.