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TLS certificates are not automatically recreated when deleted (litd integrated mode) #753

Closed Liongrass closed 2 months ago

Liongrass commented 2 months ago

From time to time it may be necessary to regenerate your tls.cert, which requires you to regenerate your tls.key as well.

The process should be:

Expected behavior

I expect litd to generate both tls.cert and tls.key on startup.

Actual behavior

Litd does not start up. Instead it gives the error message:

2024-04-26 18:09:01.115 [ERR] LTND: Shutting down because error in main method: error setting cert before unlock: unable to generate or renew TLS certificate: open /home/ubuntu/.lnd/tls.key: no such file or directory

A workaround can be to compile LND on the same machine, translate the lit.conf to lnd.conf, start LND, wait for it to generate the certificates, shut down LND and restart Litd.

To reproduce

System information

"version": "0.12.4-alpha commit=v0.12.4-alpha-dirty" Litd integrated mode.

ellemouton commented 2 months ago

closing since OP has said offline that issue has been solved 🎉