lightninglabs / loop

Lightning Loop: A Non-Custodial Off/On Chain Bridge
MIT License
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Sample loop.conf #528

Closed benthecarman closed 1 year ago

benthecarman commented 2 years ago

It would be nice if there was a sample loop.conf file

chill117 commented 1 year ago

A sample loop.conf would definitely be useful. For now, I was able to find the list of configuration options for the Loop daemon (loopd) via the CLI:

      --version                                  Display version information
                                                 and exit
      --network=[regtest|testnet|mainnet|simnet] network to run on (default:
      --rpclisten=                               Address to listen on for gRPC
                                                 clients (default:
      --restlisten=                              Address to listen on for REST
                                                 clients (default:
      --corsorigin=                              The value to send in the
                                                 header. Header will be omitted
                                                 if empty.
      --loopdir=                                 The directory for all of
                                                 loop's data. If set, this
                                                 option overwrites --datadir,
                                                 --logdir, --tlscertpath,
                                                 --tlskeypath and
                                                 --macaroonpath. (default:
      --configfile=                              Path to configuration file.
      --datadir=                                 Directory for loopdb.
                                                 (default: /root/.loop)
      --tlscertpath=                             Path to write the TLS
                                                 certificate for loop's RPC and
                                                 REST services. (default:
      --tlskeypath=                              Path to write the TLS private
                                                 key for loop's RPC and REST
                                                 services. (default:
      --tlsextraip=                              Adds an extra IP to the
                                                 generated certificate.
      --tlsextradomain=                          Adds an extra domain to the
                                                 generated certificate.
      --tlsautorefresh                           Re-generate TLS certificate
                                                 and key if the IPs or domains
                                                 are changed.
      --tlsdisableautofill                       Do not include the interface
                                                 IPs or the system hostname in
                                                 TLS certificate, use first
                                                 --tlsextradomain as Common
                                                 Name instead, if set.
      --macaroonpath=                            Path to write the macaroon for
                                                 loop's RPC and REST services
                                                 if it doesn't exist. (default:

      --logdir=                                  Directory to log output.
                                                 (default: /root/.loop/logs)
      --maxlogfiles=                             Maximum logfiles to keep (0
                                                 for no rotation). (default: 3)
      --maxlogfilesize=                          Maximum logfile size in MB.
                                                 (default: 10)
      --debuglevel=                              Logging level for all
                                                 subsystems {trace, debug,
                                                 info, warn, error, critical}
                                                 -- You may also specify

                                                 2>=<level>,... to set the log
                                                 level for individual
                                                 subsystems -- Use show to list
                                                 available subsystems (default:
      --maxlsatcost=                             Maximum cost in satoshis that
                                                 loopd is going to pay for an
                                                 LSAT token automatically. Does
                                                 not include routing fees.
                                                 (default: 1000)
      --maxlsatfee=                              Maximum routing fee in
                                                 satoshis that we are willing
                                                 to pay while paying for an
                                                 LSAT token. (default: 10)
      --loopoutmaxparts=                         The maximum number of payment
                                                 parts that may be used for a
                                                 loop out swap. (default: 5)
      --totalpaymenttimeout=                     The timeout to use for
                                                 off-chain payments. (default:
      --maxpaymentretries=                       The maximum number of times an
                                                 off-chain payment may be
                                                 retried. (default: 3)
      --experimental                             Enable experimental features:
                                                 taproot HTLCs and MuSig2 loop
                                                 out sweeps.

lnd:                                lnd instance rpc address
                                                 (default: localhost:10009)
      --lnd.macaroondir=                         DEPRECATED: Use macaroonpath.
      --lnd.macaroonpath=                        The full path to the single
                                                 macaroon to use, either the
                                                 admin.macaroon or a custom
                                                 baked one. Cannot be specified
                                                 at the same time as
                                                 macaroondir. A custom macaroon
                                                 must contain ALL permissions
                                                 required for all subservers to
                                                 work, otherwise permission
                                                 errors will occur. (default:

      --lnd.tlspath=                             Path to lnd tls certificate

server:                             Loop server address host:port
      --server.proxy=                            The host:port of a SOCKS proxy
                                                 through which all connections
                                                 to the loop server will be
                                                 established over
      --server.notls                             Disable tls for communication
                                                 to the loop server [testing
      --server.tlspath=                          Path to loop server tls
                                                 certificate [testing only]

This should at least help to build your own loop.conf file.