lightninglabs / taproot-assets

A layer 1 daemon, for the Taproot Assets Protocol specification, written in Go (golang)
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[bug] - universe: QueryAssetRoots returns an empty error when no asset root can be found #990

Open Roasbeef opened 3 weeks ago

Roasbeef commented 3 weeks ago


Today QueryAssetRoots will return an empty error when no asset root can be found:

If a user attempts to query for a non-existent asset ID, the'll get an error that:

 [tapcli] rpc error: code = Unknown desc = unable to sync universe: unable to fetch roots for universe sync: missing universe id

Which is confusing, as the real error lies in the call to unmarshall the empty root:

We'll find that there's no asset ID as no real root was returned:

Historically, I think this behavior exists to just return an empty response rather than error out for REST clients? Either way, the CLI should be able to properly detect that no roots are found. This may have some implications to the sync and auto syncer in the universe package.

Steps to reproduce

Run tapcli universe sync --asset_id=X with an asset ID that doesn't exist.

Expected behavior

CLI says the asset ID doesn't exist on the universe.

Actual behavior

Obscure decoding error.

jharveyb commented 2 weeks ago

I have a similar recollection re: empty responses for REST clients.

On a fresh look, I'm not sure why we don't have a nil-ness check here before trying to unmarshal?

It seems like the 'more-correct' option there would be to return something like universe.ErrNoUniverseRoot instead of unmarshalling something empty. Or skip unmarshalling and return an empty universe.Root{}.

In that case, I think we'd want to extend executeSync to validate the contents of targetRoots before actually executing the sync, and return a more useful error re: missing roots on the target server for the sync.

I'm not sure if other users of the sync interface like the scheduled sync rely on that unmarshal failing as a signal of a missing root though.

dstadulis commented 2 weeks ago

Roas mentioned

[down stream systems] expect no error when no root, and checks the length, so we'll need to update that as well

CC @jharveyb