This is a first pass at getting a uniform return type from the store that includes entry hash:
get[MODEL], get[MODEL]s returns an entry record/array of entry records of that entry type
create[MODEL] returns an entry hash
Will need a second pass to clear up less standard handlers.
It makes sense to do this part now and integrate in new features so that the dashboard, the global config screens etc. can be refactored to use store methods and not always make a network request.
If an entry type was glossed over in this pass just assume that I was worried about breaking too much! The ones that were changed were barely used in the launcher so far.
This is a first pass at getting a uniform return type from the store that includes entry hash:
Will need a second pass to clear up less standard handlers.
It makes sense to do this part now and integrate in new features so that the dashboard, the global config screens etc. can be refactored to use store methods and not always make a network request.
If an entry type was glossed over in this pass just assume that I was worried about breaking too much! The ones that were changed were barely used in the launcher so far.